Hearsay and rumour


New User
18 June 2008
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Regarding the recent theft's and sightings, I think we all have to be careful of 'Chinese whispers'. I know that there is a problem with horse's/ponies being stolen at the moment, but there is a lot of false information being passed around. I realise that people mean well ut may I sugest that only information that is from a reliable source which can be verified is posted on this forum or passed to the Police. .Heresay can cloud any investigations being carried outby police and also cause panic and hysteria. We all need to be vigilant but at the same time rational.


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18 June 2008
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All I am trying to do is remind people to only post accurate info. If YOU check back through the forum YOU will find sightings of suspects that are almost identical. Which to SOME people may indicate an organised conspirasy, until you check the dates and locations. In some cases the alleged conspirators either travelled from one end of the country to the other photographing horses (all within the space of a day or so) or they had doubles using rung vehicles. Either case is unlikely. And as someone else has pointed out what gypsie's / Eastern European/ traveller's etc are going to photograph horses and then return at a later date to nick them. As for spamming up the system, I think people need reminding that it is false information ( no matter how well intentioned)and hearsay that blocks up the forum, causes hysteria and can obstruct any future investigation's by the authorities.


That was a bit uncalled for


Well-Known Member
2 June 2008
Leeds, West Yorkshire
Dear forum users

Following the recent spate of text messages and web chat carrying inaccurate stories about horses being stolen, suspicious men being seen etc, PLEASE only posts details if you have personally seen individuals acting suspiciously or have a crime number regarding the theft of a horse. Please do not post just because you have received a text claiming that something has taken place. Obviously everyone is feeling very vulnerable to the current time and wants to share any suspicious sightings etc, but the high levels of inaccurate information currently doing the rounds is not helping anyone.

HHO Admin

Edited by HHO admin (04/06/2008 13:43)

even though admin posted that?


Cobtastic was not posting about any events, just advising about over reacting and echoing Admin.


New User
18 June 2008
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Thank you those of you that support what I am saying. As for 'spamming up the forum', it is spurious second hand sighting's and hearsay entries that are 'spamming up the system'. If god forbid any of us have our ponies stolen, any investigating officer using this forum for information would have to trawl through pages of so called sightings which would have to be investigated and so sending him off on different tangents and wasting time. Panic has set in my area because of unfounded rumours, I know of two people who are camping out with their horses, Gateways to fields are blocked with cars/trucks or trailers. Why?, because a rumour has gone around someone has been photographing horse's!. This then developed into a rumour two foals had been taken in the next village. When I made enquiries I was told no foals had been taken but a thoroughbread had been taken from a stud in the next village, again this proved to be false. I was also given the name of a person involved in the theft of a pony the previous year, problem was there was no pony taken and the 'horse thief' in question was detained at her majesties pleasure at the time of the alleged theft. These examples may go some way as to illustrate how rumours( how ever well intentioned) can get out of hand. So oneboyandhishorse I think you should moan at the rumour mungerers and not me.