Hectic Day!


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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Had a brilliant day today, came 4th in the last event of the season. Bad day to begin with though, as poor boy came in shivering from the field, so keeping him in tonight w/ a rug on as it is poring again! Crap dressage, as big lad doesn't 'do' mud, so spooked, cantered, changed legs, bounced you name it he did it! Got a 45 something. Two down SJ as I was too fast but had a brilliant clear XC! Did end up a minute or so under the time
but since I was slowing him up for each fence, I wasn't riding recklessly or anything. My arms will be sore tomorrow though, he was hard to hold!
Unfortunately though, he overreached and also cut himself on the inside of a front leg so bandages here we come!

Sister didn't ahve a great day, pony once again eliminated in the SJ. shouldn't have been entered really, having dropped to intro to successfuly build up confidence, plus today was horrible ground SJ etc. So very despondant as currently trying to sell pony!

Also, short question, how does everyong use those clay poultices?