Hedgehog Rescue!

Django Pony

Well-Known Member
21 February 2010
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OH and I have been on a hedgehog helper morning today at Howey Hedgehog Rescue! They are such fantastic creatures, sadly in decline. We spent a lovely morning helping Elaine and Nigel to clean out and care for the hogs, including some tiny hoglets that were rescued yesterday :)


I don't normally do this sort of thing, but please would you take a moment to vote for them in the Ark Hedhehog Heroes Big Giveaway. They do amazing work rescuing sick and injured hedgehogs and are so deserving of the free food that Ark have up for grabs!
Just click on the link below, choose Howey Hedgehog Rescue (18th on the list) enter your email address and vote. It will take you less than a minute and could make a massive difference to some hogs in need!
Thank you! :biggrin4:


Well-Known Member
25 March 2013
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awww so cute and very glad you enjoyed your day.

I have a 'little hoggie' trundling around my garden at night. I found him wandering around the road in broad daylight, so took him home to check him over, nothing much wrong apart from hungry and blind in one eye. OH is so happy with our new 'pet' that he even helped build a hog home for the bottom of the garden. At the moment though, home is under a big half barrel planted with roses, so we're hoping that once the newness of the hog home has worn off that he'll move into that. He's already grown quite a bit since he's been with us - something to do with the amount of mealworms and hedgehog food he's getting through each night!!!!!

Also have a 'big hog' that visits the car port every night - she's obviously much older and very good at approaching without setting the security light off!! When she came the other night she had loads of ticks, so the purchase of some tick tweezers is on the cards so that if she arrives again with nasty guests I can help her get rid of them.

Good luck with any hoggies that come your way.

Edited to say - for anyone viewing who doesn't know - the milk in the pic will not be cow's milk. The old 'feed with bread and milk' adage is the worst thing you can give them. Like cats they are intolerant of the lactose in cow's milk so need special milk. If you want to give a hog a drink plain fresh water is best, unless it is a hoglet like in the pics in which case you need to contact a rescue centre like the one OP went to for her course.
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