Active Member
Hey peeps, i just got a new mare and obviously we are just getting acquainted. She had been in the previous home for 3 years without any problems, the last 8 weeks of it she spent in a loan home where i dont know what on earth they have done to her. She now has a really sensitive mouth and if i try to take up any rein contact she throws her head. So this is causing most prominent problems when i am trying to get on her... If i leave the reins she bolts as soon as im on her. Yet if i mount her from the wrong side she stands like an angel... Id appreciate any tricks or tips i could try with her. Today i did try the circling her round the mounting block.. but just left her stressed more! So i walked her into the school and it was no better still wouldn't let me get on at the correct side, yet she spun herself round stood and i pooped on the other side and it was fine.. Im not sure if shes just testing me or genuinely something has happened..