Hi, apologies for the long winded post. I'm new to the site after restarting horse riding one week ago after a 15 year gap :/ any advice would be much appreciated. I still have the same mare, who hasn't been ridden for 15 years, she has had lots of human contact and was bombproof in traffic with no vices just a slightly edgey side being arab x cob. She is 20 now and I have done a bit of ground work on her, ridden her round the paddock for about 15 minutes at a walk only and she is proving to be very well behaved just a little spooky here and there so to speak. Everyone thinks she is marvellous after 15 years as do I but on the other hand I feel really nervous of what might happen. What if she bolts or trys to throw me suddenly, out of the blue. I also very aware of the weight and power horses have and all this makes me very nervous to do alot with her though I desperately want to. Going through a bit of a bad time in my life for a while now and the thought of getting back to riding for good fills me with hope yet my imagination of what ifs is spoiling it for me. I have generalized anxiety disorder anyway and can't afford a trainer right now to help me. I used to show jump her and cross country and now I am frightened to ride her at all pretty much when she hasn't actually done anything wrong yet. The worst she would do in the past is side step on her own and go behind the bit slightly now and then. Even that worries me as I wonder what could be next. I am sorry for the long winded post x