Well-Known Member
hi everyone, thought I would introduce myself to you! My name is Cara and I have been riding since the age of 4, and I love every bit of it! In the next month or so, I am going to be getting my first horse- I beautiful 14.2hh highland pony, which I am entirely paying the upkeep for myself, except my parents are going to help a little bit with the cost of the pony. I'm 14, so I've been riding for about 10 years and within that time I have had several piggy banks trying to save the money, and last year, I began helping at my riding school earning a free lesson every week which has really been great, resulting in a gorgeous loan pony, who now has been sold!
but I continued working for lessons, and stopped buying ice cream, and chocolate, on the weekly shop, and stopped one of the clubs I went to (that I didn't enjoy) which saved TONS of money, also scavenging my lifesavings for extra money. I have finally saved enough, and I'm continuing to save for my own horse. My mum had a sweet highland pony when she was my age, named piper- which led my chances of getting a horse higher. I can't wait and I'm excited to see your stories too! See ya