Hello from NZ


11 February 2015
Visit site
Hi Guys,

I've lurked for a while, but decided to bite the bullet and post.

Im a Brit, but moved to NZ in 2008. I have 8 horses (I'm downsizing), 4 cows (soon to be 2 :blue: :eek3:), a sheep, a goat, 7 cats, and a dog.

I am lucky enough to have a house with 10 acres, so all my animals are kept at home.

So Hi :) :D :cool:


11 February 2015
Visit site
Welcome to the forum. :)

That's quite a menagerie that you have there.

I know. I never intended to collect that many. I did bring 2 cats out with me, but the rest adopted me along the way.

I am currently downsizing the horses though, and the cows are going in the freezer. The sheep will follow shorty afterward. Id love to eat the goat, but he was hand reared and such a character I couldn't bring myself to do it.

The cats are a bit of a nightmare, but because I have so much land and live rurally, my place doesn't resemble an episode of "life of grime" as they are often outside catching dinner :)

The dog is a Huntaway. Im not sure if you have them in the UK, Id never heard of them till I came here. They are used primarily as working dogs, but unlike collies, they do it by barking as well. Huntaways are well known for barking, and barking and barking. Beautiful temperaments, but noisey as! :)