Help black tar like substance seeping from Ponies bottom after treatment with Bute


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10 January 2020
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A few weeks ago my ponies broke into the feed bins and ate a bag of allrounder pallets. The older mare (26 years) came down with laminitis in her two front legs and the vet put her on bute 5ml twice a day for 5 days I was told to reduce it to 5ml once a day for about 5 days or see how she goes. She started to improve so I only gave her 5ml of Bute twice a day for four days and 5ml once a day for about 4 days. Since stopping the treatment I have noticed black tar like liquid seeping from her bottom. I have been trying to contact the vet but she has not responded. I will call the vet again tomorrow but was wondering if anyone has any idea what might be causing this?


New User
10 January 2020
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I spoke to the vet and she thinks it might have been the Bute that has caused internal bleeding, she has prescribed probiotics. I will keep an eye on her. Thanks everyone for your comments.


Well-Known Member
20 June 2009
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I spoke to the vet and she thinks it might have been the Bute that has caused internal bleeding, she has prescribed probiotics. I will keep an eye on her. Thanks everyone for your comments”
That was my first thought. I know that if humans have stomach bleeds, the blood in their poo doesn’t look like blood, it looks tarry. And Bute is known to irritate stomachs. I hope she recovers well, keep an eye on her