Help! buying a pony


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6 February 2015
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I cant decide which pony to buy. The first one is at a rescue 5hrs away and Ive only seen pics and videos and I really like her shes only 5yrs old 13.3 and not broke yet (owner surrender due to health issues) she bascially a clean slate! The second one was bought off a slaughter lot shes around 10yrs old 13H but possibly abused, scared of fast movements, but seems really sweet They dony have time nor anyone small enought to ride her they bought her because they felt bad. I feel like the 5yr old is the best option but Iam worried about the other pony being sent back and sold to a slaughter:( the pony is for my 4yr old daughter for leadline then short stirrup and so on. Iam really having a hard time deciding. I do own a TB now who Ive had since he was a baby and trained myself so training is not an issue.


Well-Known Member
4 February 2012
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To be honest, neither of them sound ideal for a 4 year old, unless your plan is to put her off horses at a young age and save yourself 16 years of expense...if however you actually want her to enjoy riding, and to progress, you'd be better off loaning an older been-there-done-it pony, something considerably smaller than 13hh that she'll be able to groom and handle herself.

Good luck :)

Exploding Chestnuts

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22 June 2013
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No, I think she likely will be interested in grooming and looking after pony, so you really want something very safe ground handling, someone will have a older pony in a field looking for a loan. She may take to riding or not, but one can't be sure.
A smaller one would be better for riding too.


Well-Known Member
12 July 2008
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Quite apart from the fact neither are remotely suitable for a 4yr old child in experience or temperament, 13.3hh is FAR too big for a small child, both for handling and for doing any showing.


Well-Known Member
28 October 2013
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Quite apart from the fact neither are remotely suitable for a 4yr old child in experience or temperament, 13.3hh is FAR too big for a small child, both for handling and for doing any showing.

I agree with this. I'm 13 and 5ft2, and have a 13.3hh. She's the perfect height for me, and my little sister has a 12.3hh, who is slightly large for her. I'd be looking for a experienced 'been there and done it' type of pony, less than 11.3hh for a 4 year old and older than 10 years old ideally, so it's experienced and mature, not really a 5 y/o rescue, as it will be too much for your daughter.

I can understand that you want to help the ponies, but they unfortunately wouldn't be suitable for your daughter.
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Peregrine Falcon

Looking forward to cooler days
1 July 2008
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Personally as a mother of two small boys I would ask around for a pony to loan first of all. A "been round the block one". I put a wanted ad on our local website for small lead rein pony and got a great little NF 11.1hh, 19yo mare for William to start on. I have since purchased a 11.2hh (she's 15) for him, he's now 7 but a smallish one, even now he has plenty of growing room in her.

He's shown them in-hand since he was 4 and loves it.