There is a lot of confusion about this, and I find (using a variety of different boots at work) some boots are shaped to be done up front to back first, and some the other way. However I always, always do them up front to back first if they are not shaped the other way around as I would far prefer a horse to have the top strap come undone from catching in grass etc. than to accidentally pull its tendons too tight. I was taught it was front to back first as that's the way you bandage too, so not to pull tendons. It's one of my pet hates, people who bandage the wrong way around!
i know why i did it 'my' way and now i understand why it makes sense to do it the other way ! *and* i now appreciate that i need to double check the cut of the bot too! i've learned something
I've always been confused over this but the Trizone boots I have, have it stitched into the boot telling you how to do them up! Useful!
I'm sure from what I remember it's the other way to what you said.
Same as what samp and Nic01 said.