Help getting pony to LIKE his stable please


Well-Known Member
12 January 2011
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As title we have a new pony on loan he has been with us 2 nights so far.

It is a huge change for him he was in his last home for 6 years since 2 out on the side of a welsh hill. He's a sweet little thing and likes to follow me around seemingly never losing contact. He loves Z the WB and is quiet in the field and great to catch etc.

His only issues are that he has no manners to stand and be groomed so obviously I'm working on that and he is learning already which is great :).

And the other is he doesn't like his stable door shut he was fine the 1st night, but in the morning I went to take Z out for a hack and pony was visibly trying to jump out (although so tiny he was way off) so I turned him out and although he squealed a bit 40 minutes later when we returned he was right the other side of the field grazing happily- thats fine we're both on a learning curve with each other- now I know he can be safely turned out when I'm doing stuff with Z- fantastic! (less mucking out and hay consumption ;)).

Last night he freaked the moment i shut the door so as there is a small enclosed yard with small area of grass at edge, i left the door open so he could go in and out as he pleased, this morning he's had about half the net of hay and some water (great) but he was soaking wet and the bit of grass is slightly pummelled where he's been on it all night.

So when I got back from my ride this morning, I tied him up in the stable with a net and groomed him and had a nice chat and he seemed fine There is a sleeper by the door of the stable which the other pony stood on to see out over door, new pony seems to panic so much that the step doesn't exist to him. If it was my yard he could stay with the door open until he is ready but yard owner is not going to be happy about the state of the grass and poo all over yard so really want him settled and happy asap. I have a large plastic bathroom mirror that i thought I'd try in there tonight- do you have any more ideas?

be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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It sounds like he is panicking because he cannot see over the door and feels trapped, a mirror may help, it is not your stable so anything radical like lowering the door may not be possible, someone I know swapped the top and bottom doors over for their small pony, I fixed a slip rail and a stall guard when I had 2 shetlands in the yard for a few weeks and that worked well. Possibly make a bigger step, but if he is panicky he may not find it easy to use.


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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Firstly does he have to stay in??
is there any other horses nearby ? in the stables.

Have you thought of cross tie him when you are grooming him??

Have you thought of treats hanging up

try make the stable a nice place.
try a calmer till he gets used to his new surrounding
there might be some ides in this list you can try

We had a strawberry roan here that was like that . Kept getting stable off the bricks


Well-Known Member
26 March 2009
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Unless he has to be in then I would leave him out or stick with the stable door open/yard type set up for him and let him please himself. Pop him to bed in his turnout to avoid soggy pony issues! Some just don't get on with being in, so esp with him being so good about turnout when you are off on your other horse then I would leave him to it!


Well-Known Member
12 January 2011
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Thank you

The grooming is fine- he's learning quickly there- he's a good boy.

Z my WB is in next stable, i've been giving a small handful of chaff which he hoovers up but i don't want to give him too much as he's never had hard feed and the little mite has enough change to deal with. The stables are lovely solid dry and airy with a salt lick, full hay net and lovely clean dry bed- without hanging curtains i'm not sure how i can make it nicer ;)

And yard owner doesn't like them out- i can negotiate him a settling in period but he really need to be in. Like I said if it was my yard he could please himself

I'll try the mirror and calmer tonight and more ideas greatly received thank you
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Well-Known Member
15 November 2010
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I wouldn't resort to a calmer just yet. Don't forget he is still new to you and getting used to his surroundings.

You need to make the stable appear to be a safe fun place for him. I would take him in there and feed (even if just a polo) or give him a good fuss and groom (you said, he enjoys being with you, so this should be a good treat for him, and help you bond) then turn him out. Repeat the process so that he associates the stable with good things only. Maybe try some treats, such as a likit and increase the ammout of time he stays in the stable each time.

He will soon adapt, just have a little patience and let him settle in and learn to trust you.


Well-Known Member
26 October 2007
Glos, UK
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Can he see out when the door is closed? YOs pony couldnt and after demolishing the door so he has a head hole is now happy being in


Well-Known Member
12 January 2011
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Went and bought some fixing for the chain/door guard thing and looked great. It was only 2.30 but was steeting and Z wanted to come in so brought him in and tied up pony for a groom (in stable) he stood beautifully (progress :p) and he was being so quiet I thought I'd try him... he tried pushing it with all his might - nothing - accepted that for about 15 minutes and ate the bit off chaff i'd given him, then he stuck his head underneath and although he couldn't fit shot under breaking fixings and removing a clump of coat too :mad:

So gave him the calmer and went to pick up girls from school and needed to go to asda so calmer had a good 1hr30, just went back up and pony soaking wet poaching the grass so took the step out and popped him in shut door turned all the lights of and hid ;) I stayed for 20 minutes getting soaked through with sleet but he was still and i could hear him munching :)

I'll pop back down in an hour to make sure he's ok- fingers crossed

Just read extra messages- he was calm when I left so i'll keep checking on him tonight and may even turn him back out before i go to bed, judging by the rest of his handling he's done things on his turn before and is quiet hard work on the ground- short man syndrome ;)
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