Help! Horse healer??


Well-Known Member
7 October 2005
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I am at a complete loss to know what is going on with my mare!!

I moved yards a few months ago and since the move my horse has gone from being a bit cheeky, bargy and attention seeker to being a nervous wreck in her stable!

Somedays she's better than others but it can take only the slightest movement to send her flying to the back of the stable (usually hitting her head on the top beam of the door).

Something has obviously happened to scare her (I am guessing a good thump with a broom handle by the way she reacts when you pick a broom up) when she first arrived - I don't think it's still going on but it's stuck with her and no amount of reassurance and tiptoeing around seems to help.

Has anyone out there used a healer/phsycic for similar problems and has it made any difference?

Any suggestions gratefully received!!


Well-Known Member
16 December 2004
East Yorkshire
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I wouldnt write it off and if im honest with you i would give it a go if i was in your position. I would get them out to visit her and they should be able to help.

Just my opinion though!


Well-Known Member
20 September 2005
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there is a thread simlier to this on a diffrent forum and about 7 people have put there experiences with healers/animal communicaters and most of them minus a couple where really amazing im having a long distance reading from a healer who someone else used and said she was great waiting for her results this week cant wait to see what she says about my two.

if i were in you postion i would defently find out about healer/communicater
and i would also find out who has clumped my horse with a broom and give them a good beating with it to


Well-Known Member
16 November 2005
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Firstly - find whoever beat her and see if they like it

What is diferent to this stable to the last one? Is it too cold or too hot? Can she see others, not see others? does she have another horse that she is particulary pally with? I would also try and get her to see the broom again as an inanimate object not a beating stick - hold it when feeding her etc - sweep carrots to her?? It really sounds like her trust has gone out the window.

I would also be concerned - is someone still being heavy handed with her??


Well-Known Member
21 December 2005
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If she is being mistreated at the new yard - move yards again! No horse should be beaten with a broom handle, no matter what their behaviour is like.


Well-Known Member
7 October 2005
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I do have a strong suspision that I know who may have done it to her, as when she first arrived she became quite nippy because she was very near the feed room and everyone was walking past with feed buckets which she thought ought to come into her stable
The nippiness suddenly stopped and was replaced with nervousness of anyone who came near her.

This person has now left and my mare seemed to get better but it's suddenly got much worse again... I've moved her a stable down so that she's not on a corner and can see people clearly approaching but this hasn't made any difference.

Stable wise, she's used to indoor stables and has always been perfectly happy, her field mate is stabled next door and she can see horses to her left right and infront of her. I haven't changed her routine since moving, she's fed the same and seems perfectly happy when she's not got her head over the stable door (and even when she does, she can be fine until something moves).

My first reaction was to move yards but I work and live on the yard and I don't think anything is happening to her now, I think she remembers what's happened and is still scared of it happening again, I have a feeling she'll react like this on any yard now - that said, if I can't get someone to help her, I will obviously try moving...

the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
in a happy place
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I don't know why you would need to pay somebody to tell you what appears to be obvious from your post. If you think the person that did it has gone, your horse will settle down in time and with sensitive handling


Well-Known Member
7 October 2005
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...erm, because I don't know for certain what has happened as she reacts to the strangest things. Also because I love her and can't stand seeing her so upset and scared.

Yes, she may well settle down in time - but I can't predict how long she's going to hold onto that memory, it's already been over 3 months and as I've already said, she appears to have got worse recently. There is also the possibility that I am barking up completely the wrong tree by accusing the person who has left.

I will gladly pay any amount of money to see my girl happy and settled again. I am cynical about the whole "healing" thing but right now, I'll give anything a go.