I have done riding lessons as a young child on and off ( due to mum and dad being able to afford it which is fine).
But now as a adult I want to learn I tried group lessons but they wasn't teaching much in the 30mins so I went private with another riding school which is far better she doesn't pander to anyone she just tells it how it is which is what I need a good kick up the bum!
She always makes me ride with a whip (which I'm not used to holding reigns and whip from previous places so this was new)
She keeps telling me the horse is not slow and will go but he needs telling and a lot of leg sometimes the horse doesn't even feel me squeezing so I have to give him a little kick but no soon as he started doing a faster walk he slows right down again what am I doing wrong?
Then rising trot I am slightly improving on but I keep losing my right stirrup when she's telling me to give him some leg to keep him going how do you find the chance to give the horse a little squeeze when still rising?
Lastly my steering is awful my hands keep drifting away towards me upwards I don't know if it's because I'm concentrating on everything else too much but I'm getting all frustrated with it all wondering if I'm cut out for riding
like when you want your Horse to turn or it turn before you want it to do you pull the out to the side of back towards you to get him to turn? I've been told I pull outwards to much.
Please be nice just looking for advice on how everyone else started and how they go on when they was in my position?
Wondering if it's my footwear that isn't great...just normal knee high boots?
To make matters worse I had a go of a friends horse the other day he,s a 15hh cob just a plod thought I'd have a little go practicing my posisition ect just in walk everything was going well he was being so well behaved then we were approaching the fence a little too close but I couldn't get him to turn away from it and as my foot hit the fence he spooked dragging my stook foot out of the fencing on a awkward angle then I went crashing to the floor (I was ok ) just very sore and a bruised ego! Think I will safely be sticking to riding school horses for now lessons learnt.
But now as a adult I want to learn I tried group lessons but they wasn't teaching much in the 30mins so I went private with another riding school which is far better she doesn't pander to anyone she just tells it how it is which is what I need a good kick up the bum!
She always makes me ride with a whip (which I'm not used to holding reigns and whip from previous places so this was new)
She keeps telling me the horse is not slow and will go but he needs telling and a lot of leg sometimes the horse doesn't even feel me squeezing so I have to give him a little kick but no soon as he started doing a faster walk he slows right down again what am I doing wrong?
Then rising trot I am slightly improving on but I keep losing my right stirrup when she's telling me to give him some leg to keep him going how do you find the chance to give the horse a little squeeze when still rising?
Lastly my steering is awful my hands keep drifting away towards me upwards I don't know if it's because I'm concentrating on everything else too much but I'm getting all frustrated with it all wondering if I'm cut out for riding
Please be nice just looking for advice on how everyone else started and how they go on when they was in my position?
Wondering if it's my footwear that isn't great...just normal knee high boots?
To make matters worse I had a go of a friends horse the other day he,s a 15hh cob just a plod thought I'd have a little go practicing my posisition ect just in walk everything was going well he was being so well behaved then we were approaching the fence a little too close but I couldn't get him to turn away from it and as my foot hit the fence he spooked dragging my stook foot out of the fencing on a awkward angle then I went crashing to the floor (I was ok ) just very sore and a bruised ego! Think I will safely be sticking to riding school horses for now lessons learnt.