Help, I'm worried and need some reassurance!


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9 December 2011
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Hi everyone,
so first post on this forum. I've been riding 5 years but have only recently started with the whole stable management stuff, I'm coming on really well and help out one day a week at my yard. On Tuesday I was helping out (I'm home-schooled so it counts as part of my education) and had my lesson later on in the day. I'd been feeling ill all day with a nasty cold an sore throat/cough etc.... So after my lesson I was about ready to drop to the floor with exhaustion but I untacked the horse I had been riding and took his tack to the tack room. But after I left I realised I hadn't put his rug on and it was a cold night :-( I am REALLY panicking now that he's caught a chill or something, the horses do get checked on a lot but it might not have been soon enough to stop him catching a chill :-( I can't go up again until Tuesday and am really worrying about this.
He was clipped (not full can't remember exactly) but his winter coat is growing back so you can't really tell he was clipped now... do you think he will be ok?


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28 July 2009
Wet and windy NW
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Hi and welcome to the forum.

Right if he is a RS horse he will have been checked by staff after you did him, just to make sure he is okay and was properly rubbed down etc. He will also probably be checked when fed as well. Don't worry, if you are still worried why not give RS a quick ring and ask? I doubt very much that he will have caught a chill. Just look at this as a way to help you to remember the importance of being careful around them.

I once wandered off and left my stable door open! It happens to us all.


Devonshire dumpling

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28 March 2011
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Hi and welcome to the forum.

Right if he is a RS horse he will have been checked by staff after you did him, just to make sure he is okay and was properly rubbed down etc. He will also probably be checked when fed as well. Don't worry, if you are still worried why not give RS a quick ring and ask? I doubt very much that he will have caught a chill. Just look at this as a way to help you to remember the importance of being careful around them.

I once wandered off and left my stable door open! It happens to us all.


HEHE Seeeee thats WAYYYYY worse than leaving a rug off!! :D


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9 December 2011
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thanks you two, I'm the type to worry about stuff like this :-( My friend is going up on Saturday so I'm going to ask her to check on him for me. Thanks !


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28 July 2009
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HEHE Seeeee thats WAYYYYY worse than leaving a rug off!! :D

Nope what was worse was when my dad came to pick me up and he said "that horse over there looks just like Star" I looked up and there he was, he'd taken himself over to the hay barn and was tucking in! Boy did I get into trouble! Memories eh? We live and learn, I have never done it since!


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15 October 2010
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Had to laugh at RNF :D but OP he will be fine someone else will have checked him so dont worry. I'm sure every one has under or over rugged at some point.


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9 December 2011
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Ha ha guess you only learn by mistakes! I've had numerous incidents since I started helping out, most of which happened in one day. Daft things like getting a wheelbarrow full of muck stuck in the drain, going up to the field wandering around looking for a horse before realising I was in the wrong field! Put a headcollar on and didn't realise it was inside out until I was bringing the horse down and it was too late. There's so much to remember it muddles my brain!

Devonshire dumpling

Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Nope what was worse was when my dad came to pick me up and he said "that horse over there looks just like Star" I looked up and there he was, he'd taken himself over to the hay barn and was tucking in! Boy did I get into trouble! Memories eh? We live and learn, I have never done it since!

Saves filling haynets??? haha love it! X


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23 April 2010
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Hi and welcome to the forum.

Right if he is a RS horse he will have been checked by staff after you did him, just to make sure he is okay and was properly rubbed down etc. He will also probably be checked when fed as well. Don't worry, if you are still worried why not give RS a quick ring and ask? I doubt very much that he will have caught a chill. Just look at this as a way to help you to remember the importance of being careful around them.

I once wandered off and left my stable door open! It happens to us all.


I agree with this. Including the bit about leaving stable doors open. I once left it open all night! My angelic horse was still in there in the morning, though. :eek:


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11 February 2006
Agree with others that he will be checked quite a few times before saturday so don't worry too much. Why don't you give the yard owner a text or a call to say sorry you forgot and would someone pop his rug on. When I leave the yard I have a good look round and actually have a wee mental check list to make sure i haven't forgotten anything.
welcome to the forum btw :)


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12 August 2008
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Welcome to the forum:)

Second maybe giving the YO a call and saying "oops sorry" I am sure the response will be "no worries but thanks for calling".

I once left my stable door open as well, my monster finished his haynet, went out into the yard, knocked over and ate the bin of Rabbit Food, wandered off down to the other covered part of the yard where he spent the night happily eating the haynets for the following day that the other liveries had made up for their horses.

YO found him standing outside his best friends stable in the morning with a mildly puzzled expression on his face, a very fat tummy, and huge pooh's all over the yard.

When I arrived at the yard I was handed a poop scoop, four empty haynets and the bill for the Rabbit Food.....always checked the door after that one!

He must have the constitution of a galvanized bucket as apart from not wanting his breakfast he got away with his night of binge eating scot free!


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5 July 2010
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He'll be fine don't panic! i once forgot to put my horse' water bucket in her stable- she was still alive in the mornig if not a bit peeved :p at the end of the day he's a horse and they are a lot more hardy than we give them credit for. and if he is at a riding school / livery yard someone will have to feed/ water/ muck out between now and when you next go down :p they'll sort him out xx


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24 February 2006
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I'm sure he will be fine & as others have said if it's a riding school someone would have checked him anyway - don't worry, they're tougher than we think they are!

I once left my old pony untied after riding! I merrily went on my way round to the tack room with his saddle etc and suddenly it dawned on me that I'd left him loose! :eek: I ran back round but he was stood exactly where I left him - he didn't even realise! :rolleyes:

My brother also was supposed to be checking/feeding (carrots only!) my sisters horse for a fortnight while she was on holiday - he went up with her when she came home & asked why she was getting a different horse out of the field - he'd been feeding the wrong horse for 2 weeks! :eek::D


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10 December 2008
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That's nothing, I once put my horse in his stable in the summer to have his tea, got distracted doing something and then left the yard. I woke up in the middle of the night and realised he had been in for about 8 hours with no hay, water or bedding (he was out 24 hrs at the time) He was pretty old and I was terrified he'd be dehydrated but he was more interested in the grass than water when I let him out (at 3am!) and he lived for a good 7 or 8 years after that. We've all been there!

My current horse gets fully clipped and he had an old fieldmate who was an expert at getting rugs off other horses. Mine, being a friendly type was always the one who would end up rugless or worse still in a soaking wet stable rug as he sometimes wore one under his turnout and it always seemed to rain on the days he lost his top layer! It never did him any lasting damage. The other horse now has to be turned out with the ponies as they have no rugs for him to remove!


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3 July 2011
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I was constantly worrying after I left the yard about whether I had done something wrong, forgotten to pick out feet etc etc, however it's not your responsibility to take full care of the horses, so just enjoy it and bear in mind that you can't be expected to do everything right!:D


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9 December 2011
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Thanks so much everyone! He he its great to hear everyone's stories :)
I got a friend to check on him today and she said he's fine so that's a big sigh of relief :)


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28 July 2009
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Thanks so much everyone! He he its great to hear everyone's stories :)
I got a friend to check on him today and she said he's fine so that's a big sigh of relief :)

Don't want to sound patronising but if you were my pupil I would be very impressed that you were so concerned. You've learnt a lesson, and I bet you'll make a great horse owner eventually.


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21 November 2008
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Bless you - i know that sounds patronising but it's genuine. What a nice owner you will make one day!! I have never done it myself because I'm stupidly anal but its easily done!! I left to go to a show without my hat once?! :confused: crazy lady!


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7 April 2010
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He will be fine, last year whilst paniking about missing my bus I accidently left the 44 (she was 43 then) old in just a fleece and the arab in nothing at all :eek: I realised when I was on the bus, it was the last bus of the night and the very kind bus driver waited for me to go put rugs on. The bus stop is next to the farm and Iwas the only one on the route


Well-Known Member
11 February 2006
He will be fine, last year whilst paniking about missing my bus I accidently left the 44 (she was 43 then) old in just a fleece and the arab in nothing at all :eek: I realised when I was on the bus, it was the last bus of the night and the very kind bus driver waited for me to go put rugs on. The bus stop is next to the farm and Iwas the only one on the route

wow what a nice driver.


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30 November 2009
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What a nice bus driver :D stories like this restore my faith in people.

Not horse related but when I worked in a pub I was waiting for a taxi after work I saw a dog in the carpark and there was no-one around. The dog had a collar with a number on the tag so I rang it but there was no answer.

The taxi arrived and I offerred to pay but not use it so the driver told me to bundle the dog in the car and take it home til the morning. Luckily got a phone call back from the owner saying they lived round the corner and dog had escaped and they'd be there in a min. The taxi driver waited and didn't charge me for the waiting time.

OP- I agree, it sounds like you'll make a great horse owner :D


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22 March 2011
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At a riding school, he probably had more eyes on him that the telly at night :D
His rug was probably on him before your bum hit the seat of the bus.
We've all forgot to do things at times, mostly its fine, as will be your rug escapade. If you forget to do things again, dont be frightened to phone up whenever you remember, it shows how conciencious you are, which is good