Well-Known Member
My Mum's 24yo welsh driving pony has gone down with laminitis in the last week. Mum has always managed him with very little grass, kept his weight down and fed low sugar feeds. He was very stiff behind about six weeks ago, but the vet thought it could be a muscle strain, so he was box-rested and then had been starting walking out in hand.
Farrier came about two weeks ago and insisted he could see no signs of laminitis, but cut toes further back and lengthened the heels of the shoes to provide more support at the back of the hoof.
I have been up to visit my parents over the weekend and seen the pony and helped Mum to read some of the excellent information on here, but Mum desperately needs help to get "plugged in" to the best advice - neither her farrier nor her vet seem to be particularly clued up and the vet has already mentioned the dreaded heart-bars!
I have no direct experience myself, but I know from reading on here that frog support is vital and the pony ought to be a good candidate for going barefoot with hoofboots to help the transition.
Is there anyone local to my Mum in SW Cambridgeshire who can recommend a good farrier or veterinary second opinion, plus help her measure pony for hoof boots, balance rations, advise on forage analysis and suitable supplements etc. Mum needs help and I can't give it from my home in Sussex this week as my beloved Syd is being PTS on Friday. I am stretched to breaking point and can't bear Mum to lose her pony this week too . . .
Thank you for reading and for any help or suggestions.
Farrier came about two weeks ago and insisted he could see no signs of laminitis, but cut toes further back and lengthened the heels of the shoes to provide more support at the back of the hoof.
I have been up to visit my parents over the weekend and seen the pony and helped Mum to read some of the excellent information on here, but Mum desperately needs help to get "plugged in" to the best advice - neither her farrier nor her vet seem to be particularly clued up and the vet has already mentioned the dreaded heart-bars!
I have no direct experience myself, but I know from reading on here that frog support is vital and the pony ought to be a good candidate for going barefoot with hoofboots to help the transition.
Is there anyone local to my Mum in SW Cambridgeshire who can recommend a good farrier or veterinary second opinion, plus help her measure pony for hoof boots, balance rations, advise on forage analysis and suitable supplements etc. Mum needs help and I can't give it from my home in Sussex this week as my beloved Syd is being PTS on Friday. I am stretched to breaking point and can't bear Mum to lose her pony this week too . . .
Thank you for reading and for any help or suggestions.