Help Laminitis or not Laminitis??


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4 August 2005
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Hi my 21 year old arab gelding had the farrier last week and when the farrier trimmed his hoof he had bruising to one toe on his off side fore and bruising on his sole on the opposite side fore, nothing on his hinds, except some slight red marks on his outer hoof walls, he was at this time only just slightly a little toey, and I mean slight like you'd hardly notice. no digital pulses no warmth in the feet(although I know this can be a myth). My boy had laminitis about 7 years ago and had some rotation but recovered fully with no episodes since, he was in work before farrier visit and not fat just a bit of a cresty neck, doesn't get ridden on hard ground, I did the usual box rest off the grass and starvation paddock, I did call the vet only to be told by the receptionist he told her to tell me give him bute (really helpful) after 3 days he seems fine ( especially when he didn't want to come in and tried to boot me lol) typical araby behaviour!!

I am concerned what to do next and exercise, knowing that the pedal bone is at risk in laminitis even in mild forms. i'm in a dilemma without any xrays and the vet doesn't seem interested, I know he seems ok but don't want to do him damage if I do light work in say 10 days time if hes still seems sound.

has anyone else had problems like this?

like to know peoples thoughts
