Help naughty show pony


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26 January 2022
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My daughter has a new pony. Approx 5 months.
He’s really good most of the time however he’s starting to have quite a few naughty moments.
When he doesn’t want to do something he drops his head and backs up. This could be on a hack or at a show.
When hacking it’s mainly on the way home when he’s asked to stand its as if he’s thinking you have no chance an I standing here when we are nearly home..
At a show it’s mainly when he goes into the ring and you can see him thinking I don’t want to do this.
My daughter is only 9 so isn’t experienced in having to deal with this. He’s on a calmer to see if that helps and a instant calmer when needed.
All tack, back and teeth are all up to date. Nothing medically wrong with him at all it is genuinely him just being an absolute stubborn stroppy little s**t. We have put some balancing reins on him just to help her but it’s not making a difference with this issue. We have found previous for sale posts from the seller saying about him doing this but we wernt told about this issue so it defiantly something that’s been going on quite a while. Any suggestions would be greatly accepted. Thanks (new member)


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25 August 2010
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Might be worth getting a good instructor and having some lessons so your daughter can learn how to get him going a bit better, ponies are quite clever at working out what they can get away with a less experienced rider, it might even be worth finding a child that has more experience and getting them to ride him once a week so he is not getting away with it all the time it just sounds like his pushing boundaries and trying to get away with as much as he can.

How big is he and what breed? What has the pony done previously?