Hello all, I really could do with some help and this seems to be the best place! I'm a student and part of my coursework is to project plan the diversification of a farm, one option is use the barn to hire out livery stables. At the moment I am unable to visit stables to hand out questionnaires to get my answers, (due to Covid-19) so I am posting on here to see if I can get a few willing people to fill out a questionnaire for me that I can use in my evidence gathering? At the moment I'm after people who have a knowledge of, or pay for the use of stables. Under Data Protection no names or alias will be used in my research plan just the answers to help me (If the forum will allow me) I can try to see if I can set up a poll to gather my answers. Thank you so much for reading this, I've learnt a great deal about horses doing this project!