This is my first post on here and hopefully it might help me out a little?
My vet has recommended that my horse needs a CT scan of his head before he can undergo surgery to remove a melanoma on his jawline. Poor boy
Nothing's been finalised yet as I'm just trying to gather some more info on CT scans etc. I just dont know whether to have it done or not. I think that if I chose for him to have the scan, he'd have to go to newmarket and the surgery would be done there too.
Has any one got any experience of CT scans for their horses? The cost/time etc?
Also he will need to be under a general anasthetic (sp?) to have the surgery - has any one had any expeience of this either?
Thanks in advance...
Tishko x
This is my first post on here and hopefully it might help me out a little?
My vet has recommended that my horse needs a CT scan of his head before he can undergo surgery to remove a melanoma on his jawline. Poor boy
Nothing's been finalised yet as I'm just trying to gather some more info on CT scans etc. I just dont know whether to have it done or not. I think that if I chose for him to have the scan, he'd have to go to newmarket and the surgery would be done there too.
Has any one got any experience of CT scans for their horses? The cost/time etc?
Also he will need to be under a general anasthetic (sp?) to have the surgery - has any one had any expeience of this either?
Thanks in advance...
Tishko x