New User
Hello everybody! Please bear with me as I am new to online forums. I have a bit of a predicament and was hoping somebody here may have some knowledge on this subject. I took on full loan last year a horse and signed the loan contract that states the owner has the right to terminate the contract for any reason with 2 weeks notice in writing. That time arrived 2 fays ago and I received a text message terminating the contract with no explanation or reason. I have always dreaded this day as the horse in question was badly abused and neglected by the owner (so he was a bit of a rescue mission on my behalf). He is happy, healthy and settled in his new home and want's for nothing! Even his vet did not recognise him due to his transformative healthy appearance. I have gone through his passport and found a fraudulent receipt of purchase for him. I have contacted the previous owner who is still down on his passport as the registered owner before this other person took over his care (or uncare so to speak) and forged the documents. The previous owner said that she had never sold or given the horse to this person and had never heard of them! Where do I stand with regards this Loan contract as this person has forged the receipt for ownership? I have offered to buy him but this heartless person is having none of it. Would I be able to approach the first owner still registered on the passport with an offer to buy this lovely horse?!