Help please!


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11 September 2013
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Ok, so I bought a horse a few months ago... all fine trusted the owner nothing was wrong with her... decided the other week to get her looked over (I know most people would say she should have been vetted before you got her - but I would've bought her no matter the outcome so it didn't matter to me.)

Vet discovered a lump.. said initially thought it was sarcoids but has gone into the muscle and is concerned about it. It is in the tack area as well. Doesnt cause her any pain but due to my constant worry I would rather get it scanned. My dad says there is no point she is fine in herself and the vets just want the money but i'd rather have it removed and know she will be ok. Opinions?

Also, to have an ultrasound scan and have it removed its only about 2 inches, with sedative, how much rouhly would this cost? (I am with Tower Equine atm..)

The main question.. I can do it either way, pay up front or through insurance.. I am with petplan... but will they pay out? Because she wasn't vetted and probably had it a while before I got her will it be considedered as pre existing?

Just wanting advice on the whole situation really...


Well-Known Member
26 August 2011
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Insurance I very much doubt will cover it as its pre existing. I am little confused though as to why you had the vet when you did? I am assuming that you got them to look at the lump? If its in the tack area I am assuming you would have found it pretty quickly after getting the horse, so why wait so long?


Active Member
11 September 2013
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Insurance I very much doubt will cover it as its pre existing. I am little confused though as to why you had the vet when you did? I am assuming that you got them to look at the lump? If its in the tack area I am assuming you would have found it pretty quickly after getting the horse, so why wait so long?

Yeah had to restart her vaccinations as they were all over the place from her last owner (grrr!) and i asked if she would mind just taking a look to put my mind at rest. And I waited so long because when I went to view the horse the owner (reputable!) reassured me it was just cosmetic... looked on google to find nothing really and thought well shes had the horse a long time... it must be, i'l wait til her vaccinations then get it checked... really.

chestnut cob

Well-Known Member
24 November 2004
Insurance I very much doubt will cover it as its pre existing. I am little confused though as to why you had the vet when you did? I am assuming that you got them to look at the lump? If its in the tack area I am assuming you would have found it pretty quickly after getting the horse, so why wait so long?

It isn't a pre-existing condition though?? The horse has insurance. It wasn't vetted, and the insurance agreed to insure anyway (if I've understood correctly). Then the new owner had a vet out to check horse over and a lump has been found. If the new owner (OP) didn't see this before buying the horse, or after, and it has only now been spotted by the vet, then it is a new condition and should be covered under insurance. OP doesn't say "horse has had a lump since before I bought her", she says that a lump has been found now. There is no vetting certificate saying the lump has always been there, and it could well have come up from (say) the saddle rubbing, an insect bite, anything.


Well-Known Member
26 October 2009
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It isn't a pre-existing condition though?? The horse has insurance. It wasn't vetted, and the insurance agreed to insure anyway (if I've understood correctly). Then the new owner had a vet out to check horse over and a lump has been found. If the new owner (OP) didn't see this before buying the horse, or after, and it has only now been spotted by the vet, then it is a new condition and should be covered under insurance. OP doesn't say "horse has had a lump since before I bought her", she says that a lump has been found now. There is no vetting certificate saying the lump has always been there, and it could well have come up from (say) the saddle rubbing, an insect bite, anything.

OP says when she went to view the horse, the owner reassured her the lump was cosmetic, so yes, it was pre-existing.

OP uses her (presumably) true and full name. All Petplan would need to do is a very brief bit of Googling to find that OP was aware of the lump prior to taking out insurance.


Well-Known Member
22 July 2013
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If the horse has not been seen by a vet previously for the lump, you may be ok. As it was only considered to be a potential problem when the horse had its vaccinations, you may be covered. Its worth finding out as the insurance company will need to be informed anyway and when renewing your policy next year, you'll have an exclusion even if they didn't pay for treatment.