Help - sudden change inmares behaviour


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11 October 2020
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I have a 4yo mare, and all of a sudden she has changed when being ridden, but only when attempting schooling.
It started last week. Only things I can think have changed are that I tried a jump saddle from saddle fitter for a weekend, last weekend but decided it wasn't quite right. I have changed her feed but gradually and not massively - happy hoof to alfafa A original. I rode this afternoon and when schooling in the field she was tense and just ran off the in the trot - have very little control. Head up in the air and pulling on reins and running.
We did some XC training on Friday and she was fine - jumped well, and seemed happy. I don't understand what's happening. Any ideas appreciated? Will probably get vet out to check her back, and might give her a week off, just to see if that helps. Saddle rode in today was checked in July. Recently had teeth done.