Help! To buy or not to buy...


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11 March 2016
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Hi everyone.

I'm wondering if anyone can share some stories in order to help me decide if buying is right for me.

I have been riding on and off since I was little and within the next few months (after the hecticness of buying a new house has passed!) I may be in a position to buy which has always been a goal at some point in my life.

Ideally I want my forever horse as selling can be heartbreaking so when the time comes to start a family how do people juggle full time horse care as well as full time mummy duties?

Thanks in advance


3 August 2015
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Your post could have been written by me nearly! Couldn't read and run.

I have always been potty about horses. Could never afford one, lost momentum or scared myself in private lessons and ground to a halt. Came back to it last year and it's become my life. Before the end of the summer I had a loan horse. With my two year old to juggle as well.

This winter has been fricking hard. Luckily not only do I have a yard full of mums to older kids who are sympathetic to my little one but my stable is just opposite where I park so my daughter stays in her seat watching the iPad while I muck out. When I've finished she does a little tour like the queen meeting and greeting all the horses. It's hard, she can hurt herself if I take my eyes away for a second, she gets bored and frustrated sometimes. And I can't really ride when she's with me.

You need a sympathetic partner, a fairly relaxed approach and find livery as close to home as possible. Mine is on DIY 4 days a week and full the three days I work. I live too far away to manage her and commute. Finding time to ride is really hard.

I am just viewing a few to buy currently as loan mare has to go back soon. It's a minefield but I feel like a kid who just found a unicorn at the back of the wardrobe....


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5 January 2008
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For me horse is on full livery, that way I know no matter what goes on in my work or home life he's kept in a routine. Admittedly it's not cheap but I work long hours, travel often and value time with my OH plus I know when children come nothing has to change as I'm not tied into doing the horse daily.


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1 June 2010
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Only you and those closest to you know the true answer to this. A good idea if you have not already done so is assess your time available, finance and facilities. Time - always allow plenty extra as when you are rushing a horse never wants to play ball. Finances - we this speaks for its self work out what you need each month and also have a spare horse fund and you will for sure need to at times dip into this. If you do go ahead insure the horse you take on not only matches you but matches your lifestyle and the facilities you have.
18 March 2016
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I was in the same position as u. I loaned first for 2 months then realised I was getting too attached so u knew I had to buy my FOREVER horse too.
I've had Katy since sept 15 so just coming out first winter up in Scotland.
My most learned lesson ? To carefully choose which type of horse u buy. I bought a dale so that means she lives out all year round therefore no need to stable. This saves me a huge amount of work as I too work 3 days and have a 12yr old.
I look on at others at my yard doing the whole thoroughbred thing which involves stabling at night, very early mornings letting them back out etc etc. Lots of hard work but lots of rewards too mind.
The other thing I've found is a yard buddy . We share a field therefore we work together to look after the hay duty etc which is great if one of us are away or Ill . Plus we've formed a fab friendship n now go riding together.
U never know wot life will throw at u so don't put a hold on ur dream. I wish I'd taken the leap years ago. She is my therapy n my pal. N the best bit ? My husband who wasn't interested at all has been there nearly every day bonding with Katy and has not long since bought a wee heavy cob 8 month old foal to bring up. Horses have brought us even closer together .
Hope that helps


18 January 2016
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I also couldn't read and run as I may also be in the same position too! I grew up with horses and also owned as a child, but then had 15 years break. I returned to horses last year (as a 29 year old) and they have become my life. I am now married and in a position to buy horse. My husband is completely non horsey but very understanding and says my dream is also his so will do anything to help me get there.. However, our original plan of not wanting kids is now beginning to look like we may actually want to start a family in the next few years and so he's started asking questions like "are you sure it's possibile to own a horse and have a family?" I reassure him yes definitely but of course i have no experience so am going to follow this thread with interest! I must believe it is possible as it would break my heart so much to think it would have to be one or the other. After finding horses again i just can't imagine letting go - they are my breath, a part of me.. So it must work! Anyway, in reply to the OP i would definitely say you need an understanding partner that will support you in every way and also either have full livery or have a freelance type job so you can do DIY... Other than that I wouldn't be able to advise! But good luck :) x