Help.. What Does this sound like?


Well-Known Member
23 January 2006
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My mare nutty (9 yr old)

on her front legs one side more than the other is swollen starting at the coronet band, leading to her pasturn joint

At first I thought it was laminitus then went on to wonder if it was mud fever and a friend said she could have twisted her joint
-Laminitus could be possible she has had it mild before and for the first time in her life she is on haylege and not hay although having no hard feed, but the grass here is very poor.
-Mud fever is also possible as they skin in that area is flakey & tight, but that could be to do with the swelling
-Twisted joint well I dunno it wouldn't explain why it's worse on one side
however both her ergot joints are also alittle swallow

She is 100% sound on the straight alittle clumsy on turning (but she always is a bit!) and theres no heat in the hoofs, although some in the swallow area's

any idea's?

Thanks and sorry for the long write up, hope someone has a clue???


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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How long has she had this swelling? What does the swelling feel like - is it hard and lumpy or is it soft and squidgy? Does it move or is it firm in it's position?

Laminitis - I've never known this to be a symptom of laminitis.

Mud fever - well if it was mud fever then it will show itself very soon with bleeding cracks - still never heard of mud fever attacking the area I think you are talking about.

Twisted joint - what joint? Twisted where? I don't understand what you mean by this.

Ergot joint - well you've got me there.........

.......ergots are hair matter like nails - they have no "joints".