help! what is ridden hunter?!?!


Well-Known Member
23 March 2009
South Lincs/North Cambs
so... very long story which i won't go into... but i'm off to my first show with my new horsey tomorrow. YO is taking her youngster so we're cadging a life...

anyway, cos we have to fit into her timings (i have to babysit her child whilst she's in the ring), i only have a choice of three classes (the first class in each ring).

-tack and turnout (no way, not prepared enough to get him turned out properly and he's got a minging bridle..)

- family mount (no idea what that is)

- ridden hunter

ridden hunter seems the obvious i guess. my horse is 15.1hh, hanoverian x warmblood (quite chunky but not cobby)...

but, what is ridden hunter? is it the same as working hunter?

at nearly 6 months pregnant, i presume it will be frowned upon for me to ride him, so my friend is riding him...

-what does she need to wear?
-what does she have to do? (individual show? walk trot canter? jump?)
-what tack should be used? he's got boring black tack if that's ok? cavesson bridle with full cheek sweet iron snaffle.
-it says on schedule 'will be asked to strip horse down and run up' - what does that mean?

here's the schedule if it helps anyone decipher what we should be doing... any help/advice would be soooo appreciated. we were planning to do the open SJ class... but YO wants to enter the in hand youngster then leave straight away, so i can only enter the class before her...


Well-Known Member
1 December 2008
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To me he doesn't sound like the typical ridden hunter type but I could be wrong. In terms of what she should wear I would say tweed hacking jacket, cream jodhpurs and long boots and velvet riding hat. I think people tend to really turn horses out to a high standard with plaits and quarter marks (although may be getting mixed up.) Hope this helps.

ETA I think stripping him and running him up is so that the judge can see his confo and how he moves on his own. Your rider will also be likely to have to do a personal show.


Well-Known Member
23 March 2009
South Lincs/North Cambs
oh pants...

you're right... he's not really 'hunter' type... he's bred to SJ, and that's what i wanted him to do... but YO is being a smidge awkward... and he certainly won't qualify for tack and turnout as he's a little minger... oh big fat pooey pants...

maybe i'll just go along and eat a burger on the burger van with him... and forget about doing a class. huh.



Well-Known Member
7 April 2009
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i did ridden hunter last yr.....

i had to :
walk, trot and canter as a group
then do individual show which was w,t and c and then extent or gallop
in the class i did there was a mix of horses but the judge said that they needed to look as if they could manage a days hunting.

i plaited fliss up and rode in a pelham with flat noseband but there were people with snaffles i wore tweed jacket...

strip and run up - take ur saddle off brush down in the ring get a mate to bring brushes into ring and then trot the horse up for the judge like u would in a inhand show.

family mount u'd probs have to be in snaffle and may need to pop a fence but not sure....

if in doubt ask the sec

good luck


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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If you're only entering to give him experience, try the ridden hunter. He doesn't sound too far away from the ideal to me and if its a local show, there'll be all sorts in the ring. He should have brown tack but again at a local show you'll get away with black. The rider will need to do a walk/trot/canter/gallop individual show as well as walk/trot/canter/ with the group. The strip down will need a 'groom' to bring on brushes etc to tidy him up, so maybe you could do that, which will keep you involved a bit


Well-Known Member
23 March 2009
South Lincs/North Cambs
hey, yes, was raf... but wasn't planning on winning... just trying something different and getting him some local show experience... ended up doing a couple of jumping classes, as YO's horse was well behaved so she didn't whisk me straight away... however, early jump classes were sooooo teeny tiny, he didn't even realise he was meant to jump and sort of stepped over them with a look in his eye, as if to say 'hmmm...?'.

but got a clear, and had fun, and he was (as ever) the most amazing little darling horse in the world... x