Help with my horse


New User
8 January 2018
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Hi all I have a bit of a dilemma that I really need help with.
My mums TB x IB (more TB), who is 24 now has a very bad habit when being turned out.
He has always been an absolute gentleman and is such a healthy and beautiful horse. But as soon as winter hits and he gets turned around so that he is out in the day and in his stable at night he becomes a bit of a problem to turn out.
It’s like he goes into this fight of flight mode and just needs to run. Sometimes he gets so anxious that he won’t eat his breakfast but has been recently.
It has gotten to the point that I have to put his head collar on and just put the lead rope through the nose band to take him out as I don’t want the lead rope still attached.
As I said previously he is my mums horse but as she is quite short she can’t hold onto him as he holds his head up too high. (He never ever does anything to hurt anyone at all).
Currently I am the only person that can walk him down to the field, holding a lunge whip in front of his head (as he doesn’t particularly like whips) as a deterant, and hold on to him (pushing him side ways etc). But my mum is consurned as, as it gets colder the concrete gets icy and she doesn’t want him to slip.
He is a fussy eater so you can’t bribe him with treats or carrots, we have tried his bridle and stronger things but he still goes and we would be worried if we couldn’t then get it off.
The track down to the field is part concrete then mud and we just need to make sure he gets over the concrete saftely. And turning him away isn’t an option as we can’t do that on ur yard.
Any suggestions would be very very helpful,
Thank you


Well-Known Member
17 November 2014
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As this is a new problem and given his age I would get him checked by the vet because maybe if he is in pain from arthritis or something which would be made worse by being stabled at night that could make him panic and try to run away from the pain.