Help With Showing


Well-Known Member
13 August 2008
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My Daughter is doing her first show in a few weeks. It is only a local childrens show but was just wondering what is the best thing to do with the pony.

She is unregistered New Forest and entering best non show type, child hander and first ridden. Should we plait for this, she is a native type but as unregistered does she still count as a mountain and moorland. Also can we do the in hand classes in her normal bridle and bit (hanging cheek FL snaffle) with just a leather lead rein.

Also what would you include in the show for the FR. She's not a bad rider and can walk, trot and canter independently

Or am I worrying too much!!!!!

Any tips welcome, it's been years since I've been showing!!!!


Well-Known Member
22 October 2008
Near Bristol
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If she's true to type then she could also do M&M Large breeds if it doesn't say in the rules that they have to be registered.

In her individual show a nice trot and canter in each rein should be fine as it's FR.
Tell her to keep her show short and not go round and round and round and round!


Well-Known Member
26 January 2009
The Edge of Suburbia, Berkshire.
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No idea about some of your questions, but I'd read the wording of the class on the schedule and so long as it doesn't say registered (which would be unusual for a local show I'd think) then I'd say it'd be fine to count her as M&M which means you can get out of plaiting.

Not sure about the in hand bit question, and I'm sure there'll be some showing experts able to give a definitive answer but I can tell you from my daughters mistakes on the show the first time she did a class (was a last minute thing to enter so no practise and I've no showing experience to help her with it!) . She was told by the judge (who was lovely, gave lots of advice) to use the arena space more fully (we've only a tiddly corner of a field and it's a diddy pony), and she was looking to see proper neat circles or figures of eights with a change of rein and pace (daughters were somewhat lopsided as she realised she'd started too small). The girl that won did a very neat figure of eight twice, firstly in walk changing to trot for the second half, and then canter changing to trot, then she walked, turned and halted and saluted the judge, quite simple showed her paces well, definitely had practised thoroughly and deserved to win.
Good luck I hope she does well, and above all enjoys it.


Well-Known Member
5 January 2009
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For a local show and if she is true to type you wont need to plait, and the bridle should be fine too the tack doesnt matter as much for a nice little childs show. And as everyone else has said keep the inidvidual show in the FR nice and short and neet.

Good luck and have fun thats the main thing!


Well-Known Member
24 February 2009
The West Country
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Make sure she has practiced her show at home and before the class let her run through how she will do the show, ie which way she will set off from the line etc. It is very easy to end up doing lots of circles because you get confused about what you have done already! Good luck and tell her to keep smiling no matter what!