Well-Known Member
Feeling sorry for myself, really. At the end of August 2012 I lost Cleetus, to renal failure brought on by a tumour. November 2013 I lost Rosco, my cat of a lifetime, to oral cancer (SCC). Still sorely missed. Two months later I'm faced with poor Sandy having renal failure. I took her on last April at 16 years, when she was already on metacam for arthritis. She was bloodtested fine in the summer and is due one now, but last week I noticed a sound like a loose tooth. Vet couldn't find anything wrong in her mouth and she didn't make the sound in the surgery. I now realise it's her jaw. She'll be going back to the vet tonight/tomorrow for blood and to collect a urine collection thingy, but I have noticed her litter being wetter (put it down to new cat starting to use it, too, but new cat is now going out and it's still quite wet). Clicking/grinding jaw is a classic sign of renal problems, due to the Ca
imbalance. Cleetus never had it, but he did go downhill quickly.
I just want the powers that be to give me a fekkin break. I knew she'd never live for years and years, but I'd just like ONE of my cats to die in their sleep.
Can anyone recommend a PALATABLE wet renal diet food? She's a bit fussy and I had a nightmare with Cleetie boy - we ended up just letting him eat whatever!
I just want the powers that be to give me a fekkin break. I knew she'd never live for years and years, but I'd just like ONE of my cats to die in their sleep.