Hes got worse :(


Well-Known Member
11 June 2008
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Well now Barney has heat in his fetlock, which in a way is a good thing as before we couldnt work out where he was sore in his leg. but it means hes more lame then he was before
and its half term so i cant ride him which is annoying, im hoping that he should be fine by monday as hes not very lame just limping a little bit.
its in his fetlock, i dont think hes had any injury there before so just hoping that its just a tweak... vet is coming out tonight- i think, just to make sure its not anything worse than a tweak.
He also has a weird lump on his back leg, high up on the front of it, on the bone.... could it be cancerous? its very hard and you can sort of move it around but not easily. im going to get the vet to look at it to check, its relativley new, so im hopeing its not cancerous... what sort of things show a cancerous lump?
ive hosed his leg for 30 mins this morn, and have put him out with a wet pad on and a bandage over it- hope that was the right thing to do?
pointless post but im just feeling a bit down about it as its half term and a nice day and i cant ride...


Well-Known Member
11 June 2008
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no its the other leg.. lol, its too high up to be a splint, right up on the top of his leg, level to his tummy height, if you understand that, and its relativley big, about the size of an ablong 2p coin- maybe a bit bigger...


Well-Known Member
11 June 2008
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it might be an insect bite, im going to get her to check it just in case. personally we prefer them to be out to keep moving as he can get stiff in a stable, which we dont really want. hes not very lame just noticable when trotting, so i think hes fine in hte field but its just annoying!!
hoepfully the vet will come and say its just a tweak...!


Well-Known Member
11 June 2008
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no not a sarcoid, covered by hair.
very hard lump, quite big, sort of moveable. not tender when i touch it though...

poor barney boy


Well-Known Member
22 September 2004
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Oh that's bad luck, I think the lump could really be an insect bite though. Something like a wasp would give that sort of size lump.

I have to say I agree with you about leaving out, I would do the same. Fingers crossed it is just a tweak and he will only take a day or 2 to recover

If it makes you feel any better I have just ridden my mare and am having a huge bout of guilt. She seemed a bit sluggish going down the drive, but I thought she was just full of grass and sleepy (she was having a kip when I went to get her). Anyway met a friend and we ambled up to the woods and then had a trot and she is lame
Feel very guilty as I had chivvied her along in walk thinking she was just being lazy.

Legs all 100% no heat of anything, but I tried to do a carrot stretch and on one side she couldn't even get near her girth area (could only reach about to her shoulder
) So I have called the physio who is fantastic and she is coming on Thursday. So no more riding for me either this weekend....