Hi All


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14 September 2015
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Hi, I'm 32 year old female probably looking for the impossible. I used to ride as a child but have not rode for may years and I'm desperate to get back into the saddle. I've tried local riding schools for lessons but I'm not getting enough out of it as they literally let you ride the horse and nothing else, you don't even get the option to help tack up or groom the horse. Due to my lack of experience I would not expect anyone to part loan me their horse but I'm wondering if there is anyone out there who would be willing to let me ride their horse for 1-2 hours per week just in the school/arena in their yard. I'd be willing to pay £15/20 per week and help out with jobs as much or as little as the owner wanted. I'd also be happy to ride under their supervision, I'm only interested in walk, trot and a bit of cantering. Do you think there is anyone who would be interested in this, perhaps someone needs financial help but does not want to part loan. Can anyone advise the best place I could place my advert of any other forums where I might get some interest. Thanks for any advise xx


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10 February 2008
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Hi Jen1983 :) - If you live in west Wales, send me a private message. If not, and you have had no replies here in the tack room forum or the new riders area, try your local facebook horsey pages. Hope you soon find your ideal .
All the best,
Teg :)
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