Hi! Bit advice please for 4 year old!


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19 September 2016
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We have just bought a 4 year old horse, backed 2 month ago from Ireland.

He has worked nicely, we are told, in a rubber eggbutt snaffle. We have put him in a happy mouth with a copper lozange. He works nicely to the bit however when his work is over and he is given a longer rein to cool off and walk, he then constantly tosses his head up and down. If the contact is picked up again and trot him, he stops messing with his head.

What do you suggest to stop the tossing head at walk and standstill?

Thanks Jessica


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6 June 2012
the North
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Change him to the rubber eggbutt snaffle which the last owners said he was happy in and see if the problem is still there.

Some horses will throw their head around at a bit they don't like, some are headshakers in the medical sense with it only showing up in certain circumstances and some horses will work nicely when they're actually working but will fiddle around with the bit when they're relaxing.