Hello all!! I'm new to this!! Have checked out forums via google before but thought I would join. I have a tb mare who I completely adore. I bought her as an 8 year old. She was bred on a racing yard where she was deemed too slow and sent to auction in Carlisle at 3. From there a friend bought her and got her back to health as she wasn't in greatest condition. She used her as a broodmare until she came to me. I have had her almost 2 years in which time I have got her riding away and she has proven a complete superstar. This year we hope to make our first show. Unfortunately she was using all the wrong muscles. So instead of using her topline she was using her belly muscles as they were strongest from her past careers! We finally have correct muscle forming! A lot of the forums on this page have helped give hints and tips so thank you all. I don't know how to attach pics lol