Hi from London


22 February 2016
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Hi everybody!

I'm a french chick living in London since 8 years.
Recently decided to get back on the saddle after a break and realised i was better off to own my own horse with the time and money i was spending in lessons and the growing frustration of not being able to form a bond with one specific horse (i used to be surrounded with horse when in France)... so yesterday i purchased a dream on legs... Duke, an 8 years old 17.1hh Friesian X Clydesdale.

I'm so glad to have found the forum because it really answered a lot of my questions as of horse ownership, i had horses before but mainly owned my members of my family. So Duke is my first unshared one.

I am so excited to have started this journey, left the horse world for too long and felt like there was a missing piece in my life.

thank you to welcome me in it again. :)
(and sorry for the crooked english sometimes)


Well-Known Member
24 October 2014
lost in the wilderness of France
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Welcome to the forum F!! :):)
i moved the other way and now live in the Aveyron region of France!
your English is lovely, much better than my messy french and your horse sounds gorgeous, i hope you have a wonderful journey together, it was only by moving to France that i was able to realise my dream of owning a horse and now i have 2! an Arab and a PRE, funny how life turns out sometimes, i hope you enjoy the forum, there are some great people on here :)


22 February 2016
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Awwww thank you!
Aveyron is awesome, very green and rural!
French is a very difficult language to learn but youll eventually come around with it! Patience is the key aswell as being not shy!

If you wanna see Duke ive started a thread in New Owner with his name and breed! :)