Hi, i'm new :-) plus a question for sussex people please!


New User
3 January 2012
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Hi there, I'm new to the forum :)
have my horse on loan while i'm at uni and am subsequently missing horsey chats (and my horse of course) a hell of a lot so wanted to join a forum to try and get my horsey fix!
Love looking at pics of other peoples horses and hearing comp reports and what everyones getting up to so looking forward to noseying around the forum ;)

On to my question ... whilst I do not have to time or really the money, being a poor student, to have my horse near uni at the minute, I am missing being around horses and riding, and really don't want all of my muscles to go to pot after years of riding, so wondering if anyone could point me towards a horse to share once or twice a week in east sussex area - near brighton and sussex unis! Definately have the time to commit to ride and muck out etc twice a week as long as i can get there within an hour on the bus.
Don't know if anyone can point me towards any yards i can go and enquire about horses in person, or have a horse that could do with exercising themselves. Am able to contribute a small amount financially and more than willing to muck out/feed/poo pick etc. Competant rider and equally happy to ride a happy hacker or a more challenging jumper - really open t o anything as long as its a horse lol

Sorry for this being long :eek: thanks for reading! :D