Highlight of my day! (for once not about Ned!)


Well-Known Member
29 August 2009
Milton Keynes
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So, I finished work at 11pm (urg, what a pain) and I headed home in the fog. Got home and locked the car.
Suddenly I heard a very loud rustling in the hedge just across the road. I froze...waiting for whatever was in the bush to jump out and eat me. (I swear I'm as spooky as a horse)
A split second later, out leaps a massive fox!!! It was huge! A big bushy tail, sleek and shiny coat!!
It skidded to a halt about 2ft away from me and looked just as scared as I did, then headed off in the other direction at 100mph!

I know a lot of people don't like foxes, but they're one of my favourite animals and each time I see one is a huge thrill :D

Keep off the roads and stay safe Mr. Fox!


Well-Known Member
15 July 2012
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Foxes are gorgeeeeeous!
I once saw a deer in headlights. Gorgeous animal, I thought I was drunk at the time!!!
Still yet to see an alive fox or badger though


Well-Known Member
29 August 2009
Milton Keynes
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Foxes are gorgeeeeeous!
I once saw a deer in headlights. Gorgeous animal, I thought I was drunk at the time!!!
Still yet to see an alive fox or badger though

I love deer :D I wasn't on the ride at the time, but someone at my stables was riding her horse and a deer jumped the hedge next to her...right into her lap!!! That must have been amazing!
When I was riding Archie out on my own, I was cantering along but saw something in the hedge so slowed to a walk to see what it was....it was a buzzard, it took off into his shoulder :O he was a good horse and didn't bat an eyelid, the buzzard however looked like he'd seen a ghost and flew off at the speed of light!

I've never seen a live badger either :( saw 3 dead on the road this week though :(


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8 May 2009
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I have a fox that visits my garden on a regular basis love to see them; never seen a wild badger though. Have to admit hedge rustling and id have been back in car or run for the house.


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30 November 2005
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I don't think many people dislike foxes, they are also one of my favourite animals, iI find it really sad to see all of the poor looking urban ones though :(

We seem to have a resident Barn Owl at the moment in one of the tractor sheds, he is absolutely beautiful, and last night when I got home OH was changing his plough points in there and he was just sat watching him. :)


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16 January 2008
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I see foxes on a far too regular basis, tormenting my chickens, usually wandering about when I draw the curtains in a morning! The one that lives by us looks a bit like a german shepard, it's huge!
My most amazing site was when I was hacking out and a tiny baby badger wobbled across our path, bizarre looking creature really :)


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25 August 2011
up near Glasgow
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Deano and I met a fox on a hack last week - sadly he hadn't been watching the road carefully and had met his demise. He was just lying there so perfect and beautiful. It was very sad and we sang him a wee chorus of All Things Bright and Beautiful. I love foxes :)


Well-Known Member
29 August 2009
Milton Keynes
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In the hunting forum?! Really?! Jesus...

Anyway :)
A lot of people around here don't like them :( shame really!

RunToEarth - Yes, I hate seeing poor looking urban animals, like Pigeons too! There were 2 in London I dubbed "Mr and Mrs Scruffy" because they looked like they'd been chewed by a dog, run over, then thrown in the bin! Poor creatures.
The fox I saw however was stunning, it looked like a show animal, rather than something wild!


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2 March 2011
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Curious post to be on the hunting forum but anyhow, I think most people who hunt have a respect for the fox, they are beautiful when healthy, clever and cunning but unfortunately they are also, often, NOT healthy and a problem for those who keep animals, so need to be 'managed'. Unfortunately, that is often by the gun now and who knows how many are shot and killed, far worse shot and just wounded? Probably far more than would have 'met their demise' if hunts were permitted to do the job(but there's another thread!!??).
On to the subject of the OP, out hacking in the middle of the day a week or two ago (it was sunny, yes, really it was!!), saw a shadow on the road just around a corner, was about to say to OH, 'There's someone walking a dog around the corner', when in to view comes a fox, bold as brass and twice as handsome! Couldn't believe it! We think someone must be feeding it as it showed hardly any fear and just quietly strolled across the road and in to a field! The shame of it is, that lack of fear will probably kill it in the end!


Well-Known Member
29 August 2009
Milton Keynes
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Curious post to be on the hunting forum but anyhow, I think most people who hunt have a respect for the fox, they are beautiful when healthy, clever and cunning but unfortunately they are also, often, NOT healthy and a problem for those who keep animals, so need to be 'managed'. Unfortunately, that is often by the gun now and who knows how many are shot and killed, far worse shot and just wounded? Probably far more than would have 'met their demise' if hunts were permitted to do the job(but there's another thread!!??).
On to the subject of the OP, out hacking in the middle of the day a week or two ago (it was sunny, yes, really it was!!), saw a shadow on the road just around a corner, was about to say to OH, 'There's someone walking a dog around the corner', when in to view comes a fox, bold as brass and twice as handsome! Couldn't believe it! We think someone must be feeding it as it showed hardly any fear and just quietly strolled across the road and in to a field! The shame of it is, that lack of fear will probably kill it in the end!

re bolded part: Yes! Why on earth someone moved it here, I will never know! I posted it in The Tackroom.

Yes, I've seen a wounded one and it was horrible :( I'm sure it didn't last long. Whether it was hit by a car or caught by a dog I don't know, but it's leg was pretty much hanging off. We called a fox specialist lady but she couldn't find it. I would rather they met their end instantly.

It's wonderful seeing them on horseback :D They don't seem so scared, I've got quite close to a few when riding :D


Well-Known Member
19 November 2010
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I love seeing a fox, it makes my day. Like somebody else said, I think most people who hunt or support repeal secretly love foxes and are fascinated by them.


There's no cow on the ice
28 June 2008
w(b)est coast of Sweden
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In the hunting forum?! Really?! ...

The fox I saw however was stunning, it looked like a show animal, rather than something wild!

I presumed that this thread had been moved to the Club House, so ditto, the hunting forum? :confused:

Maybe it is simply because it involved a fox...

;) Or maybe it is a hint from the new FAT? Perhaps you shouldn't have allowed the fox to just run away that easily, without even trying to grab it! You could have started a new trend, the fox version of recreational fishing, it is all about the thrill of catching, but ends with releasing the fish/fox. So now, the thread have been moved into the hunting forum, so that they can give you a few tips?

By the way, in real life I've only seen wild foxes as distinctive shadows, but I once saw the grey back of a badger running away into the bushes not that far away from me , and one time I found myself standing just next to one! Many years ago I was out walking with my bitches next to a river late one evening, when the bitches started pulling towards the riverbank, so I stepped up to the edge of the bank, looked over it and right below me I saw a badger that was staring up at me.

I was a good girl, and quickly left it to whatever it is badgers do when humans isn't watching...

Last edited:


Well-Known Member
1 December 2012
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I don't think many people dislike foxes, they are also one of my favourite animals, iI find it really sad to see all of the poor looking urban ones though :(

They're extremely poor around here, but when you see a healthy looking one in the flesh (which isn't often!) you realise what lovely looking animals they are.


Well-Known Member
20 July 2012
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Hilarious they moved it to the hunting forum. Someone is either thick or has a great sense of humour :p

I have had problems with dogs attacking my sheep and when I arrived at the problem field the other day I saw "something" lurking at the top of the hill. I legged it up the hill and crept up on it to find....

Fantastic Mr Fox. Shame no zoom on my vid. He was mooching around with the sheep and bull who were all watching him but not fearful. I have an almost fox coloured sheep dog as well so the stock are able to differentiate between them by their behaviour/movement.



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23 October 2011
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I've had some of my best experiences of wildlife from the back of a horse. I was trotting quite merilly along a path when horse slammed the brakes on, a young badger ran in front of us, it stopped for a split second and we all just stood there for a moment looking at each other before he scurried into the long grass.

Saw deer as well once, we were cantering along a forest path, it was fairly early in the morning and a deer, which must have been foraging in the wood, took flight as we passed. She bounded along next to us, level for a few moments, before she twisted off and away. That was quite special.

Our local foxes are all a bit mangy and aren't scared of humans, they'll pass by us bold as brass when doing the morning feeds.


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26 February 2012
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we have a fox who regularly sunbathes/snuffles around in the middle of our garden, both and night and in broad daylight. We leave him to it, he looks so happy and peaceful in our garden so no wonder he always returns as nobody bothers him!


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17 January 2008
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I opened my back door once and came face to face with one, about 3 feet away. The garden was about 4 foot up so literally looking straight at it. Didn't exactly seem bothered, just stared then ambled off. It used to come round regularly.

In another house in a village we were over run with them, used to fox watch out of the windows, they used to make a racket though, they all disappeared at once.