Highs and Extreme Lows


Well-Known Member
22 August 2005
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Yesterday started great. I had a jumping lesson with the Grumpy Boy in the outside sand paddock. We worked on jumping a series of individual fence all with fillers, planks or some other kind of scarey thing and GB jumped everything first time. All of the fences were around 1m. It was all going great until the very end when my trainer decided we were doing so well he would raise two jumps on a three stride related distance to around 1.10m. I really wish now I had called it a day as I'd had a bit of a niggle in my back all week but had carried on as normal, trying to ignore it.

First time through the related distance, he jumped it fantatic but on landing he stumbled a little and I was pulled forward. Something in my back pinged and I was in complete agony. It was so sore I could hardly breathe. GB was completely unfazed and luckily realised something was wrong as I was slumped on his neck and ground to a halt. I managed to slither off but the pain was so bad I was literally seeing stars.

Two hours later in casualty and I am told I have a prolapsed disc. I have exercises to do, a referal to a physiotherapist and a bag of drugs. I have never felt pain like it. The only comfortable position is standing, sitting or lying down are unbearable.

The worst thing is that I can't do anything with the horses. This morning all I was fit for was giving them their breakfast buckets. Poor OH had to change rugs, put on O/R boots, take them to the field, muck out, do hay and water all before driving us both to work. Thank God he is a tolerant soul.

I'm feeling quite sorry for myself and the thought of not riding for 4-6 weeks is killing me!



Well-Known Member
7 June 2006
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You poor thing. [hugs].

I fractured my spine 4 1/2 weeks ago and I didn't think I could cope with 6 weeks not riding. However, I'm nearly through it now... I promise you the time does pass. I started lunging my horse after a couple of weeks so at least I felt I could do *something*.

I hope you feel better, hopefully your OH will carry on being understanding and you can spend a week or two lazing around like a lady of leisure being waited on hand and foot.


Well-Known Member
30 October 2006
I did this some time ago whilst loading my boy! he wasnt keen on going in a trailer at the time as was used to a large lorry.

I pulled (having been schooling for ages and bending down doing various other horsey tasks for hours) on the rope to get him to listen up the ramp. he pulled back and something went ping, I couldnt breathe, I needed to either throw up or pass out!

I ended up just laying on the floor for about half an hour before I could breathe again, its not just the pain its a very odd sensation!

I totally understand your pain, but be GOOD and do exactly what physio tells you, dont be tempted to muck about on the horses or you will do more damage than good. Do every single exercise they give you and like I say be strict with yourself and apart from an ache I get, I came back to it after a couple of months as good as new!!

Good luck and BE GOOD!


Well-Known Member
10 August 2005
London - Essex side
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I have to date slipped four discs and now have constant low grade back pain due doing them at 13 and being told for 6 months someone that young cannot slip discs. Result I have an area that is now fixed.

Take it easy and rough off the horses and all of you have a holiday.

Hope the pain dies down soon and you are good as new again.


Well-Known Member
21 May 2006
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oh bugger, you poor poor thing....could you go to the back doctor and get yourself pinged back into position....?

Hope you feel better soon xxx


Well-Known Member
22 August 2005
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I pulled (having been schooling for ages and bending down doing various other horsey tasks for hours) on the rope to get him to listen up the ramp. he pulled back and something went ping, I couldnt breathe, I needed to either throw up or pass out!

I ended up just laying on the floor for about half an hour before I could breathe again, its not just the pain its a very odd sensation!

[/ QUOTE ]

You are so right. It's the odd sensation that is the worst. The pain is really minimal with the pain killers (except when I sneezed 15 minutes ago and thought I might pass out!) but the kind of 'fuzzy' feeling in my lower back is really odd.

Luckily my OH is going to ride GB for me and keep him ticking over until I'm back in the saddle. Thankfully he is now quite good on the flat (OH that is) it's just a pity he can't take him to BD next week for me. Hopefully I'll get my entry fees back.

I'm so depressed about not riding for 6 weeks. I've just had some 'cherry bakewell' therapy but it didn't help. I'm now thinking that chocolate might be the answer.


the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
in a happy place
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I tried cherry bakewell therapy..and chocolate..after i broke my hip last year. That combined with forced inactivity resulted in the 2stone excess i am still trying to shift so wouldn't recommend that route