Meowy Catkin
Mare is on field rest and is not eating up her food. Any ideas of a very palatable and high energy feed to tempt her with?
Mare is on field rest and is not eating up her food. Any ideas of a very palatable and high energy feed to tempt her with?
She has ad-lib hay and out is 24/7 but I hardly ever see her at the hay feeder. She has Pure easy and Speedi-beet but for the last few days she has stopped eating after approx one stubbs scoop of feed and not the whole bowl full. I was wondering if there was a feed that could get more nutrition into her before she stops eating? She has done this before when she was on box rest and the only thing that got her to eat again was turning her out in the sand school with the filly for company.
She has always been a stress-head but she is being totally silly at the moment. I moved the horses down to the low paddock (with grass) and she wouldn't settle. In the end I opened the gate so that they could go back into the top field. They are staying up the top all the time. If she spots something that worries her, she stops eating and marches up and down watching it. I often have to wait for her to calm down and then re-present her with her feed, which she will then possibly eat.
She is much better (calmer) when she's in work but it will be the spring/early summer before she's ready to be ridden again. She's 13.