Hit the deck....muddy bum


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25 November 2005
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Went for a hack this morning with a friend - I have a quite sharp 10yo WB mare.

Been upping the work lately, (1 or 2 hr hacks every day) pre-pre-hunting, and upped her food a tiny bit (3/4 scoop economy cubes, 1/2 alfa-a oil) She's out on good grass 24/7.

We were on a grass field with a friend, and were going from trot to canter and she put in an ENORMOUS buck & I went out the side door.

She's always been quite sharp, but last month or so has been very chilled - nice w/t/c - road work, stubble, grass fields etc. Bucking has never been her thing - she's more likely to spin, so this surprised me.

Her teeth, tack & back are due to be done in the next month or so, but there have been no other signs that any of these are a problem

This was quite out of character, and I'm a bit at a loss.... It wasn't a 'way-hay this is fun buck', she really meant it. She's also been trying to canter when we're trotting a few times lately (but only when in company, not on her own)


I've been told that I ride one sided, and she was very one sided when I got her. I've got a synthethic saddle, but the question is, how do I stop riding one sided?? It's a kind of chicken and egg - She was one sided, so I rode one sided, so she muscled up even more one sided, so I sit even more one sided.......

I CANNOT lunge her - she goes berko & tries to kill me and any helpers.........

So, how do I stop riding one sided?? Do I 'lean' to the left a lot??

Hoping the bucking thing is a symptom of something (gives it a reason then which can be addressed), but I'm fairly sure that being so over to the right can't be helping.

Mmmmm - advice please!!



Active Member
25 November 2005
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yes.....pride the most damaged!!!

Pulled my tricep - which is v.sore...

However, quite relieved, as in August last year I cam off @ Towerlands & tore my rotator cuff (shoulder) had to have surgery to re-attach & 3 months off work & riding etc.

First thing I thought of, was 'I REALLY don't want to damage my shoulder again!!! (Think it' ok though.....!!)
