Hmm update on quite horse


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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Well last night i got to the yard, horse was stood quitely in her stable.

Went to get her headcollar and got her out to tie her up. She still looked really quite and had her head down. Stood talking to my friend for a while and my horse just stood there as quite as a mouse (not like her).

I had already decided to give her a week off and just keep an eye on her.

I got my wheelbarrow and started to muck out.

No word of a lie she perked up striaght away
Looked much happier and started fidgeting and scraping and just being her general annoying self, she hasn't been like that all week
Its like she was pleased she knew she wasn't going to be ridden.

I am still going to give her a week off as a break. She is only 4yo and hasn't really had a break since i got her. She has had days of here and there but not a proper break as such.

I am away for the weekend anyway so thought it would be a good time just to let her chill for a while and then i will assess how she is next week.

I am also waiting for the hay supplier to give me a call back about the poor quality hay and in the meantime i have bought a couple of bales off of my friend which Senza happily munched on straight away.

Thanks for your advise yesterday everyone


Well-Known Member
20 April 2004
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My boy is the complete opposite, if I don't ride him for more than 2 days on the trot he gets very down and quiet. He will hang his head and seem disinterested in everything. Once I get the tack out and starts to perk up and nibble at his lead rope and fidget and generally prepare himself for going out, I swear his eyes become brighter too!

You'd think at 20 years old he'd have had enough of being exercised but then he's had an awful lot of his life turned away.

Has you mare had a particularly busy life i.e. lots of work and competitions?


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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No she hasn't had a hard life, she is only 4yo and has only been broken since Feb. She is not worked particulary hard as she is only a baby and i try to give her at least 2 days a week off.

Previous to her being broken i think she was just in a field with a herd at the stud she was bred at.


Well-Known Member
20 April 2004
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oh right, I'm not sure why she'd behave like that then, sorry, I was no help at all! Hopefully a little break will sort it all out :)


Well-Known Member
21 May 2006
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I haven't been around much Kel, but I take it you've done all the back tests etc? Ty is a lazy sod but last night wanted to be ridden, he kept looking at the sand school longingly! He hadn't been ridden for 3 weeks and after riding him Tuesday night he's well and truly up for it. When he pulled his shoulder he would strike out to stop me getting on him (it was a mild pull hence the reason he wasn't lame all the time and I didn't twig!)

What's the background? x