Hmm what would you do?


Well-Known Member
5 July 2010
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On one of my earlier posts i wrote about maybe loaning a horse off someone at the yard. They have since come back and said that they might sell her to me. THIS IS NOT AN ADVERTISEMENT :D
Basically I'm asking what would you pay for a 13-17 yr old mare (roughly this age) Never been lame/ sick/ sorry great to handle,very overweight and unfit, not the best conformation and is a bit stiff in her back end so may have problems further down the line. Not a novice ride but not nasty in any way. Also not the best to catch :p
I would say around £750? or am i being stingy? I don't think I'm going to take her up on it though as I'm currentley paying vet bills. But just curious as she's been suggesting £1500 which i think is a bit steep. your opinions?
Let me just reiterate this is not an advertisement as she would only sell her to me and she is not my horse :eek:


Well-Known Member
5 July 2010
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Don't know about loading but fairly good in traffic, can be nervy with big things but yeah good. She does sometimes nap when out alone and has got a good buck on her (hence current owner has lost confidence after seeing 4 people come off her). Yeah sort of where i was thinking :p


Well-Known Member
26 May 2011
South East
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I had one that was difficult to catch once - never ever again, ever. No matter how cheap / free / beautiful it is - caused me more frustration than all the nappy little blighters that have been sent my way to be worked on put together. But that aside, I'd agree about £750 would be a perfectly reasonable offer in this climate for a horse with the issues you mention.


Well-Known Member
24 November 2011
North and East, of England
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My £3500 driving pony was a pig to catch when I bought him. He was 10 then. It's taken a year of planning and routine routine routine and he cantered to me in the field this weekend at the wrong time of day (ie three hours before normal getting in time to go for a ride!). It can be done! He was sold to me totally honestly- and I tried him out for four days before buying him. Apart from a couple more 'dealable foibles' he's perfect for me. So though I wouldn't have touched one before, It wouldn't put me off in the future as much.

But I wouldn't pay more than £600 for that horse- and wouldn't touch it of you suspect problems. Theres plenty about sound and fit for that price at the moment!