Hobday procedure....


Well-Known Member
20 July 2018
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Thoughts....new area for me. Horse has had a tiny whistle recently and in the last week or so I have had vet out.

Horse had teeth out in March and has recovered well, was going great, nice and fit and keen but started really struggling to perform and very unlike him as he likes his work, particularly jumping.

He coughed up some dry hay recently which was bizarre....thought he may have some stuck there, or having rummaged in the trees, maybe this occasional cough (a deep one) was a thorn or stick etc. He still randomly has this new deep cough....not for long and not persistent a few times a day. Eating much slower which is unheard of but looks well and happy enough non ridden.

Cue vet visit, he has collapsed left larynx and palate a bit droopy also. We dont jump large so vet has said to go with hobday....

He goes in weds this week...

I am awaiting a call back from vet as have some questions but wondered if anyone here has experience of a horse with mild whistle....and who has gone through hobday op (NOT tie back)

I am seeing it in written form that a Hobday just gets rid of the vocal chord which is making the noise/vibration, the noise doesn't bother me....will this procedure help him to breathe? - I just want him comfortable for low level unaffiliated stuff.

I have been advised against tie back as he is the type who is likely to inhale food and take it down to his lungs! - greedy doesn't come close! Also the vet said with his particular issues tie back could make his anatomy worse longer term. Horse is 13 and heavy type so totally typically candidate to have these issues.

I just don't want to put him through a procedure if it wont give him any benefit other than stopping a noise! I guess what I am asking is does a hobday actually help with the airway as far as air intake and exhale or is it just more due to noise!

TIA xxxxx worried horsey mum!


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7 September 2004
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Well it’s difficult to know really - I’m surprised that the horse has got to 13 and it’s only just surfaced? Seems a bit odd so I wouldn’t rule out another reason for the exercise intolerance.

As for the hobday itself - I had one done who showed 3/5. It was a cheap and simple procedure and an easy rehab. I had an overground scope and then a laser hobday under standing sedation. The entire bill came in under 1k.

So there isn’t a huge deal to be lost by trying it.

It didn’t work for mine and the degree of paralysis continued to a 4/5 so the following year he had a GA and a tie-back but then he was being asked to perform at a reasonable level Eventing.


Well-Known Member
20 July 2018
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Thank you, that does put my mind at rest somewhat! He is fairly stoic and loves jumping so much that anything else going on overrides pain etc!!! its only recent weeks it seems to have come to light, we have only ever done low level heights, although fast enough to highlight any issue.....it is quite bizarre!!! I wonder if not being as fit and having some extra weight has taken its toll!

Polos Mum

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22 September 2012
West Yorkshire
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I had one with a full tie back, you'd never have known unless he whinny'd when he sounded like a strangled chicken. He competed well with it, never had any issues with what or how he ate. But I did always know when it was him calling from the lorry park !

Good luck


Well-Known Member
4 June 2008
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Mine had a tie back and hobday - was a simple op and apart from getting very familiar with vaseline the after care was easy too!


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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I've only known 1, he was not the sort to inhale food at all (TB) but did succumb to pneumonia requiring a significant period of hospitalisation and that was put down to having inhaled food over the years. He did recover enough to compete again.
28 February 2011
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A hobday will help with breathing yes. I know there are risks involved with tiebacks but I have never known a horse to have an issue after it food wise.

After a hobday your horse wont be able to neigh properly - some think it a shame, some find it a godsend if they have a particularly annoyingly vocal horse ?

A lot of wind ops are now done via laser so if the hobday doesn't work then you could always asking about firing bits - no GA involved if you have a vet that knows what they are doing.

Aftercare is easy if it's lasered. If cut open - as disgusting as it may be - always smell it every day because that will be your first sign of infection.

I can't deal with wind ops ?? give me a horse spurting blood any day of the week! The gunk, the goo, the noise of them breathing through a hole in their throat and most of all - the bloomin iodine!!! ??????????? I hate the smell of Iodine!

If you have the split stock up on vaseline and disposable gloves along with swobs rather than cotton wool for cleaning ???
28 February 2011
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The after care isn't that bad, the hole heals very quickly. I didn't have a problem with dealing with it all.

Lucky you ? I just can't and because there are plenty of other people at the yard I don't have to ? It's the smell of the iodine that I really can't cope with more than anything ?


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3 March 2009
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The noise is made by the air passing through the obstructed airway. If you open the airway, the noise will go and the horse will be able to get more air into his lungs.


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12 July 2019
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My horse had both job day and tie back, she had left laryngeal paralysis but the right side had also started to collapse. I never had any issues afterwards , it was the best thing I could have done for her


Well-Known Member
20 July 2018
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well... thank you all so much for your advice and experiences! He went in last Weds just for the day, hottest day of the year so was a 7am to 8pm jobby so he was travelling when cool enough. Appetite of a lion....he underwent the lazer hobday and tomorrow is his last day of box rest, although he has been allowed to hand graze (in fairness I got fed up being dragged and popped in solo in the garden for an hour or so).

He seems much back on form already, just a general nightmare being kept in! IF he was quiet I would worry it hadnt been successful.

Vet has said try this for now, if it improves enough to do our diddly jumping rounds then great, if not, I can either retire from SJ (I am getting on) or have the tieback op further on down the line.

Thank you again!!!! xx


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20 July 2018
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thought I would follow up....

Had the laser hobday back in June.....
Developed asthma very soon afterwards, spent all summer dealing with that! Cleared the asthma
Had traditional open hobday and tie back a few weeks ago and we have just started in hand walking...much like flying a kite but he looks so much better in himself, back to the unruly lively soul I know....still a way to go but so far touch wood, all going in the right direction. No coughing, no issues, hole is mostly closed up after 16 days....interestingly, his normal head carriage has returned instead of poking his nose out to get in a comfortable angle to breathe.

I do think the asthma was an odd sensitivity when his whole system was low but we will see once it warms up again....

Would I do it again, certainly!


Well-Known Member
25 February 2016
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I've got one just coming to the end of her box rest. Felt like the hole would never close and then suddenly it's pretty much gone. Not entirely sure the palate cauterization worked but she needs to start work to really see how she is.


Well-Known Member
20 July 2018
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I've got one just coming to the end of her box rest. Felt like the hole would never close and then suddenly it's pretty much gone. Not entirely sure the palate cauterization worked but she needs to start work to really see how she is.
indeed, I am hopeful it has worked, but just trying to keep my chap walking nicely rather than being silly and undoing all the good done to date!!!!
