Hock OCD thread


Well-Known Member
13 November 2006
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Hi, i thought i would document my experience with Hock OCD for anyone who might want to google in the future to know what to expect/etc in terms of recovery. We are almost 2 weeks in now, so i will keep updating this as time goes on.

My horse is a 6 and a half year old DWB who was broken as a 5 year old. He was diagnosed with Bilateral ocd of the hock after presenting with a small swelling on the inside of his left hind hock which appeared during/after exercise and disappeared the day after exercise. He was sound throughout lameness workup but mildly positive to flexion. X-rays revealed 2 large OCD chips, with the RH chip migrated to the bottom of the joint. He had the most common kind of OCD chip, and they were fairly sizeable.


Arthroscopy was performed 3 days later and he had a period of 5 days at the vets. Surgery took around 3 hours. He was in Robert Jones bandages for 8 days.


He was walked daily at the vets for 5 minutes. The most noticeable thing about the bandages is that he found walking backwards very difficult so he almost hopped backwards and would also stretch his legs out a lot. This is apparently normal. He lay down for the first time 7 days after surgery. Bandages came off the next day.


Rehab began immediately upon coming home and consist of 2 5 min daily hand walks twice a day. Antibiotics ( tremetheprim ) were given daily for 5 days, along with 14 days of bute.

While bandages are off but stitches are still in, the wounds are cleaned twice daily with hibiscrub diluted, and then Derma Gel applied over the site as there is some chafing to the inside of the hock due to the bandages but its minor.

Tuesday the stiches come out - so the wound will be closed but the inside of the hock is still healing. for the next month his rehab will still be 2 5 minute walks twice daily, with turnout in a sand/rubber pen 15mx15m for a few hours a day. If i didnt have this pen he would be on box rest.

1 month after stitches out, he will be able to be turned out in a small field, and ridden walk can begin. I will keep updating this thread, and i hope others find it useful.


Well-Known Member
25 October 2007
Will keep an eye on this thread :) unfortunately had to have a 3yo oldenburg pts on Friday with hock OCD. It was quite bad and most likely wouldn't respond well to operation. She turned very vicious and would kick/bite through pain and just lay down or rested leg, was horrible to watch so just had to go. Rest in peace Mia Donna :( she was by donnerhall too so very well bred! :(


New User
8 April 2010
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Hiya who did your op, my horse is diagnosed with OCD in right fore but has fused to tendon & keen to get 2nd opinion. Thanks for posting the above, very informative.

Alec Swan

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20 October 2009
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what an interesting set of pics. The chips which you have in your pic, look huge to me! I always thought that when the flakes or chips, or whatever others may call them, are removed, that they would be attached. As you have one which migrated, presumably that, or both had broken free, am I right?

Do please let us know how his recovery progresses.



Well-Known Member
13 November 2006
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Hi Alec,

Yes they are sizeable chips and a little on the large size. The whiter one was the one that detached itself from the bone at the top and travelled down to the bottom of the joint. Im going to try and get the x-rays emailed to me so you can see them in situ.
The pinker chip had not adetached, this was theone in the left hind and caused the small swelling. During arthroscopy, this chip would have been detached from the bone by a pair of pincers, then the bone debrided. The debrided bone will heal with fibrocartilage.

Here is an updated pic with the stitches out, which came out yesterday.


Discussed once again with the vet regarding rehab and level of work - once the hocks are medicated ( this should only need to be done once ) then ridden work can begin in walk and we will follow a 3 months rehab/fittening program. The vet feels there is no damage done to the joint which is amazing given his age and no degenerative or arthritic changes were seen during arthroscopy. His hock however may always be a little swollen as the joint capsule has stretched.


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7 September 2010
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Please could you tell me, what were her symptoms? I am just waiting on my insurance company to get my 5yr old cob X-ray'd etc as he has started rushing and bucking down hill and struggling to pick up canter lead to the right. Vet has been out and found inflammation in both hocks and lameness in ye right hind. I am wondering if it is OCD? Wish NFU would hurry up so we can get him in for test!


Well-Known Member
13 November 2006
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Hi there! yes i can tell you his symptoms - he never really appeared lame, slightly weak but not lame. He tracked up on both hinds and had a lovely overtrack in walk. he was seen to drag his hind toes in week before i discovered the swelling but i attributed that to the fact he had been injured on something unrelated and was unfit having had a lot of the winter off. Other than that, he wasnt hugely forward going - i had to ride him in spurs a lot. Once, while cantering he had me off out of nowhere just out of nowhere went up and span round twice. Ill never know if that was saddle fit or maybe his hocks.

The biggest symptom was a soft swelling on the inside of his hock which i managed to catch as it disappeared around 12-24 hours after exercise.


Well-Known Member
13 November 2006
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And here is an update. Yesterday was 5 weeks since the operation and yesterday was hock injections. I found it very interesting as once local and sedative was applied and the needle in you could see joint fluid seeping out of the catheter and the vet explained thats how he knew he was in the joint. Injections went well, he has yesterday and today on box rest but as of tomorrow he is allowed turnout in a small paddock! yippee! his hocks are still swollen but should start to go down now. Ridden walk for 5 mins building up to 30 mins in 6 weeks starts next thursday and after that, another check befoe trot and eventually canter work can begin. So we are halfway through the recovery period.

mister did not want to get on the lorry or step foot inside that place - he hates it with a passion now!



Well-Known Member
13 November 2006
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And here we are a week on!

6 week after OCD operation, i am back on board! WOW what a feeling.

Hes lost a lot of muscle though over his back end which was to be expected but cant help but feel a little sad at the same time. He also felt weak behind and im not sure if hes sound or not.... He was very well behaved, OH led him on a lunge line and met my sharer on the way back so followed her on out 5 minute hack. He had a couple of minor spooks but nothing silly.


However the hock injections have made a massive improvement on the swelling in his hocks so theyre almost back to normal.


Well-Known Member
24 May 2010
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Great to see you back on board. Genio is also on box rest following hock ocd surgery. Vet is coming out to check on him on Friday so I may be back on this weekend.


Well-Known Member
13 November 2006
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wow amazing! would like to hear more about your experiences with it and wether it is similar to mine?

Rode him tonight.. he felt better and less stiff through his back but i can feel hes not totally happy on his left hind :( as this was the one that had the biggest chip that was still attached, i am trying to not get too down about it and remember it will just take longer to heal than the RH... i hope. :(


Well-Known Member
24 May 2010
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Genio had several chips removed from each hock but hasn't ever been lame, just a slight loss of performance. The vet has given me the all clear today but no riding or turn out until she's double checked with the specialist at Newmarket that he's happy.


Well-Known Member
13 November 2006
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We are just finishing week 2 of ridden work and he feels 100 times better and feels like hes really strengthening up behind, though we still arent quite there yet i can definitely feel an improvment when im on board. Hes striding out lovely and doesnt look so wobbly behind. Hes put in a couple of mini-rears and since we are rehabbing on a public road and hes not great with traffic, hes on a small dose of sedalin until he calms down about it!

All in all quite pleased. In terms of his legs, the swelling has tightened up and youd never know he had the surgury except for 1 small area of fibrous tissue from the injection.

Here is a pic from yesterday


He still needs to build up muscle that he lost behind, but im seeing a slight difference and his bum is looking slightly rounder. Today we get to do a whole 15 minutes so we are halfway through our walk rehab - very exciting!


Well-Known Member
2 April 2013
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Hi Digitalangel, just wondering how things are going with your horse's rehab? My horse had the same surgery on one hock about 12 weeks ago and we're just starting our ridden walk following the hock injection. I'd love to hear how you're getting on


Hormonal Filly

Well-Known Member
24 April 2013
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Just to bump up this old post.

Are there anymore members that have had hock OCD operated on?

Noticeably my mare has some fluid on her RH hock which is the hock with 2 chips we saw when xraying for over reasons last year. She isn’t really lame, negative flexions, just the last few weeks is slightly short RH when on a 15m circle. Also noticeable the more work she does, the more sore she feels. I’m awaiting feedback from the surgeon to see if he thinks it’s worth removing them.

Interested to hear about rehab and symptoms prior.