holy smoke waht a day (first time cubbing) amoung other things


Well-Known Member
22 August 2004
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It all started yesterday when I started with a nasty chest infection. Luckily I recognise the symptoms (can't breath!!) and managed to get some antibiotics from the Dr. Then last night at about 8.30 Lucky penny who I was going cubbing with phoned in a panic cos her clippers would not go thro her horses coat so despite feeling really ill I dashed over with mine. Finally left at 10.30.

Did not sleep well as felt too ill. Should really have pulled out, but Lucky penny was looking forward too it so much and would not go without me, and we have been trying to get around to going for so very very long.

Today took my time getting ready for the hunt. Came to load Beacon and he was a prat, rearing up and then falling back onto his bum, then onto his side :eek: :eek: he did not seem even worried by it, so loaded him up and off we went.

Everyone was very friendly and Beacon was his usual chilled self. Then we set off. He was very strong but I managed. He did not go well in the 3 ring snaffle, kept throwing his head up, despite having 2 reins one on the snaffle and one on 2nd ring. Mostly used the snaffle BUT!! Breathing was very difficult but I coped.

Then the heavens opened and it started thundering and lightening. we somehow got separated from the main group. There was a huge 5 bar gate that was just propped up that no one could open on horse back, except Beacon and I :biggrin: but as we tried to close it, it fell over towards us. How it missed crushing his leg I don't know, cos he did not move. People were very impressed with us. But then I had to dismount to shut it. But the effort of picking it back up and moving it was too much and I could not breath I eventually managed to get back on. We were all soaked by now. Then came another gate that had to be held open while people went thro, there was a mother with a child on a lead rein who was so thankful and impressed that Beacon would stand still while I held it open for so long. :wub:

Back at the lorry park and the horse in the trailer next door took over an hour to load then when it did it somehow got over the breast bar :eek: :eek: It was tipping up and falling on its nose. they got it free and highered the bar, only for it to repeat it again :withstupid: It was horrible, the farmers had to come and unscrew the bar to free the horse. Owner was a little old lady who was distraught. In the end they had to leave the horse at the farm in the barn.

So a VERY VERY eventful but fun day. I only wished I had not been so ill.

Hopefully I will feel better intime for the newcomers on Thursday, but if not I will NOT GO! As I now feel so ill :bawling:

very proud of Beacon, although I seriously suspect next time out he will get mega excited, will be riding him in his pelham with 2 reins next time tho


Well-Known Member
6 October 2005
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Why did you have to wait an hour for the horse in the next trailer to load? I'd have been well gone and home by then.


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
So glad you enjoyed your day even though you felt so ill; hope it wasn't as nerve wracking as you thought it would be!
Clever boy, Beacon; they will come to look upon you as an asset I'm sure!

Lots of warm drinks and off to bed for you now, you should sleep like a log!
Oh and good on you trying to help the other people load even though it did take an age!


Well-Known Member
27 September 2001
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Get of home its not your problem if they can't load the horse I keep well away after all the years ive helped people and its not the horse its the people, Get off to doctors Monday morning for some antibiotics by the sounds of it !!and you will be fit for hunting Thursday you need all the energy you can get I think you and your horse did very well and I think you are a kind and considerate person but sometimes in life you just have to think of yourself for once, good luck


Well-Known Member
29 June 2005
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God that was an eventful day! Did you enjoy it in the end though despite all the traumas? Horrible storm last night wasn't it, just got the boys in before it started about 4.45pm, was that what you were out in?
Chap at yard will ring you about clipping his horse, he just wants a blanket clip if that is ok?


Well-Known Member
22 August 2004
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yes it was the same storm, no wonder I was so ill last night. But Sue you know me I don't let ANYTHING keep me down. Sometimes that is not good tho I really have to learn to tell myself NO REST otherwise like dad says one of these day I will kill myself

I had a good time thanks. Think Beacon did too, he could not wait to get in the field and rush over and tell his friend. I think he will be a bit more excited next time now he knows what it is all about, he sure enjoyed himself.

Yeah of course a blanket clip or whatever they want is fine.


Well-Known Member
22 August 2004
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huntress your right especially on this occassion I should just have apologised for not helping and gone home!!

Luckily I had already been to the Dr's on Friday as I knew what was wrong so already have some AB otherwise think I would be much worse if I hadn't


Well-Known Member
29 June 2005
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It wasn't nice and we were inside! Forked lightning the lot! Am still umming and ahhhing about taking Pidge but I know when he gets excited he just won't stand still and because he hunted in Ireland he'll know what its all about - think I would just be a very scared passenger - bad form to overtake everyone isn't it


Well-Known Member
22 August 2004
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the Albrighton hunt are lovely and would not mind if you overtook lol. there is one on Thursday that is a newcomers meeting
I am going if I am well enough


Well-Known Member
22 August 2004
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thanks for asking. I am feeling about the same today as I did on Friday, but am still struggling to breath. As long as I don't do anything I am fine. As soon as I do anything I am so zapped again.
I realise now I should not have gone and am very lucky I did not make myself really really ill. It will no doubt take me a while to get well now.