homemade fly spray???


Well-Known Member
21 May 2007
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sorry to be stupid.. always used to make my own... recently ran out and can't believe the cost it is this season!!!

Used to make mine with cold stewed tea, tea tree oil and citronella oil but can't remember amounts??


yes know about citronella... poppy cock!!


Well-Known Member
8 August 2005
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Fly Spray


Vinegar: 4 tbsp
Methylated Spirit: 1 tbsp
Citronella Oil: 33ml
Strong Tea (cooled): I cup
Make up to 2 litres with water.

To make it

Put vinegar with the methylated spirit and citronella oil, mix them thoroughly, then pour in the tea. Mix thoroughly & add water to make up to 2 litres

To use it

Buy a spray bottle from garden centre and use it to spray the solution all over the horse’s body once or twice daily, particularly before sunset. Avoid the horse’s eyes and do not spray into open wounds as it can cause irritation. Around face spray onto a cloth or sponge and wipe around the face.

You can even use this on yourself for those evening hacks.

NB. Give the bottle a shake before using as the mixture will separate when left to stand.

Purchasing of Ingredients

Citronella Oil – Available from Lloyds Chemist, 100 ml @ £4.50p ish
Methylated Spirit – Available from Wilkinson, 500 ml @ £1.25p ish
Vinegar – Available from any grocers, supermarket
Hand Sprayer – Available from Garden Centre, Wilkinson, or re-use the sprayer from your last purchase of fly spray.
Tea – out of the pot
Water – Out of the tap

Some people add Tea Tree oil or eucalyptus oil as well but it isn’t necessary

You can use this as liberally as you wish, at this price you can bath them in it!


Well-Known Member
10 August 2005
London - Essex side
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This is the one I make and it is effective - avon are doing the skin so soft on offer at the moment.

Good website for ordering oils is:

http://www.essential oils direct

5 caps of dettol - from a 500ml size bottle

250 ml of Avon Skin so Soft and fresh - 500 ml bath oil. This can be halved if midges not too bad. I am presently using one third of a bottle which is working well.

1 teaspoon of citronella oil - can go up to 1 ½ if midges bad.
1 teaspoon of eucalyptus oil
1 teaspoon of lavender oil
1 teaspoon of tea tree oil
1 teaspoon cedarwood oil

Put into a 1 litre spray bottle. Top up to make 1 litre with either water or cold tea. Shake well before spraying and give a quick shake after every few squirts to make sure the oil is mixed with the water.

Spray on twice a day using enough to leave a fine mist on the coat. Ok for round sensitive areas.

I have used this on people as well as horses, but please do a patch test first in case your horse reacts to any of the above ingredients.

Cost works out about £3.00 a litre - not as cheap as some receipes but this does work well and smells nice.