Well-Known Member
Our clydesdale mare has an abscess in her off fore hoof. The vet had a look originally as we were not sure what had caused her sudden lameness. He prescribed bute and poulticing and suggested farrier to have look. The farrier has been out twice and dug hole in the sole to allow pus to drain. It will be two weeks tomorrow since she went lame and she is still hopping. The farrier said not to give bute as this masks progress which I can understand. I have put her back on bute the last two days as she seems really uncomfitable and reluctant to move. She is living out as if she stays in she becomes very stiff due to arthritis so I feel this is best for her. I have the farrier calling again tomorrow but I just wondered if it is usual for these things to drag on for so long? I hate seeing her like this so any advise would be appreciated.