Horrible children!


Well-Known Member
28 March 2006
Had a horrible incident last night whilst out hacking. Taking D for a gentle stroll (he's on his holidays!) out in the newly cut fields (yippee!) and was aware of children screaming in a distant house garden. D very fizzy as had a couple of days off and very windy evening so we were doing the zebidee thing.

Anyway, was aware as I was heading back that noise of children still hadn't gone away and I turned round to discover the horrors had scaled their garden fence, were tearing down a bank towards me and then scrambled through the fence into the field I was in. Four of them screaming and shouting, causing absolute havoc. D was completely freaking out.

Eventually I could ignore them no more and galloped over to them. They just froze to the spot (so would I if D was coming towards me like that). I chastised them for their behaviour towards horses. Four frightened children ran as fast as they could back home.

I know I shouldn't have done that, but what if it happened when I was out on my youngster. I'd have hit the floor before I could think as he's easily freaked out when hacking.


Well-Known Member
24 May 2004
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usual thing these days as far as I can see
people produce these children and then totally abrogate all responsibility for their actions to schools/police/council - anyone but themselves

if these kids were making that much noise then there is no way the 'responsible adult' could have been unaware of them

better you gave them a fright on a 'controlled ' (!!) horse than some loose and turned out in that field kicked one of them


Well-Known Member
29 September 2005
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Sorry, I do realise I am a deeply not-child friendly person, so I'm with Airedale on this one. So many people with kids just stand there with hypnotised expressions while their "little treasures" spoil everything from shopping trips to nice meals with their tantrums!

Once out hacking I was behind a Father and daughter who had clearly no intention of letting me past, the kid kept looking back at me and scowling. Finally the Dad walked to the side of the bridlepath and the kid stood stock still and wouldn't move! Evil little brat crossed her arms and stodd there, of course Daddy found this deeply hilarious! Then she went "WAAAAGH!!!" and jumped at my horse as though attacking at, he jumped back and it's just lucky he's quite sane or it could have ended up with me on the ground and Daddikins and his devil spawn with a great big legal bill from me! Had my horse struck out with a foreleg devil child would have learned a wonderful lesson and I'd have felt very satisfied but of course the rider would have been in the wrong - as usual!


Well-Known Member
4 November 2005
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Don't get me started the kids round here think its funny to run after us with tree branches

I once had a group of kids about 6/7 throwing stones at me (luckily on Gus the bombproof tank pony) They stopped pretty sharpish when we had a canter in their direction


Well-Known Member
28 March 2006
Do you think they may just have been excited to see you - rather than trying to upset you??

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I know the difference between excited and badly behaved.
You don't allow your kids to scale 6 foot garden fences and terrorise animals. Or have I missed something???


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10 August 2006
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You galloped your horse at them?? Thats amazing, i totally woulda done the same. Evil little brats! Kids are awful these days. I'm thinking of getting a horse at the end of next year, now on reading these stories i'm becoming a little terrified.
Whoever it was that said parents have kids these dyas and then don't really take responsibilty for them and let them run riot, is totally right. It's awful, another awful thing childhood obesity whihc goes hand in hand with irresponsible parents.
Thos'e lil po's in riding schools are gonna be thinking "Oh god it's thunder thighs again" about every child before long. Arrrrrghhhh!!!


Well-Known Member
28 March 2006
I didn't gallop at them. I galloped up to where they were and stopped to speak to them. I'm well aware of liability in the case of accidents, etc so didn't put anyone at risk. All four kids apologised to me (umprompted) before heading home, so that was amazing in itself.


Well-Known Member
6 June 2006
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I can understand why..we have met many people like this, but i think u gotta realise that people just arent aware they dnt own horses and know little about horses so are just braindead when it comes to them. Da other day we met sum ppl with a dog they all stood on different sides of the bridle way and as we were walking passed decided to squeak their dogs toy..obviously lol horses freaked!!!


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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Firstly I hope you have permission to ride across this field? I'm assuming you do...
I would do my nut if someone galloped their horse towards my child. No wonder poor kids were terrified. Nothing gives you the right to shout at kids (who were just being kids afterall). They prob have more right to be shouting and enjoying themselves than you did to be galloping across a farmer's land.
They probably weren't aware that they were upsetting your horse.


Well-Known Member
15 October 2004
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Eventually I could ignore them no more and galloped over to them. They just froze to the spot

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My horse wouldnt have gone near them he would have been the one to have frozen to the spot!!


Well-Known Member
3 July 2006
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china have the right idea. lets bring in licenses for would be parents.
i am a qualified nursery nurse and i now understand children, what they do, why they do it, how to control situations behaviour etc etc. what amazes me is that kids are very easy to understand when you have this knowledge, what i dont understand is why anyone is allowed to be a parent. there are some weird and wonderful people in this world which give us a "rich" society, but then again there are too many a*******s and b*******s who should NEVER dirty the gene pool with their DNA.

also i think parents would find kids easier to raise if they had the same watered down training as myself.
every parent i know has asked jokingly for a guide book, but why not?
then perhaps we wouldnt see out of control brats running around.
a smack never hurt me, didnt hurt my daughter (i did it twice in her whole life - and now she knows not to misbehave so i dont have to do it any more) and certainly would do some kids the world of good.


Well-Known Member
27 June 2006
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We have to pass a small estate to reach a nice area to have a fast and furious, occasionally a flippin' dog will leap over the fence to bark and sometimes try and chomp your neds leg!!! I found screaming at it to go home worked really well! Might work on naughty children, byw walk past houses as had to call Police once as dog was loose on road and chomping everything in sight! Police told owners to keep dog in garden or if out must be on lead!!! Deal was anyone riding out from our yard had to walk as dog-owner claimed we were annoying her pooch!! Huge Dobermann was as big as a pony.