Horse Abuse - Gineteada, a real sport!


22 October 2010
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Hi there guys, I've come here to tell you about a sport that is going on called Gineteada. It is where they get bucking horses, pin them down, stab them with spurs to keep the rider in place then proceed to let them go and beat them across a field to see who can stay on the longest. There are many youtube videos of it I have been reporting for animal abuse but I want to raise awareness about this having only just found out about it myself. Please flag this video and report it and hopefully we can raise enough awareness to get something done (supposedly some places snip the horses tendons so they cannot rear the rider off) I am wondering if it is true as I have seen rodeo broncs move more freely than these horses,

I know I have posted this everywhere so many may have already seen it but after watching these videos I know I cannot just sit here and let it slide or just flag the videos.

Please flag the videos and report as animal abuse, and repost this, let us do something about it instead of turning a blind eye!

Thankyou all
Krissy Valentine


Well-Known Member
19 April 2009
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Not good to watch. Flagged.

Perhaps post on here any organisations working to stop this as well as stop it being posted on YouTube?


22 October 2010
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I dont like this, but can you explain waht the difference is to regular rodeo? Just trying to understand.

A proper rodeo, one like the pasadena or houston rodeo (near where I work in Texas) has horses that are trained for bucking, they live like kings and do it for the love of it, most bronc horses are treated like racehorses, big lush stalls, feed coming out their eyeballs, they'll work for about 10 minutes of their whole life due to the 8 second ride rule of the bronc riding. I've known breeders of broncs and the horses couldn't be happier :)

Rodeos like Cheyenne put our rodeos to shame! They way they treat the animals is disgusting, but, if you watch this video - something is wrong with the horses back legs, a bronc horse can rear, fly buck, bronc and spin, some of these horses are having trouble even hopping around (they have possibly had their tendons cut)
The riders stab the spurs into the horses flesh to hold them down, whereas a cowboy keeps his legs straight to balance himself.


22 October 2010
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Not good to watch. Flagged.

Perhaps post on here any organisations working to stop this as well as stop it being posted on YouTube?

I don't know of any organisations trying to stop it! That is why I have gone so bonkers over this, I am emailing Shark Online and looking up others to email about this, when I googled it I only got spanish and portugese websites bigging it up and other forum threads about it :/