Active Member
Hi I've just bought a pony a few weeks ago and he's been fine. The owner of the yard where he's at put him in a small paddock and the grass was pretty much none existent. And what there was it was low quality. Which worked well as he's out pretty much all day so it controlled how much he ate as he puts weight on very easily and is a bit fat at the moment. But he didn't like being alone so he's been moved to another larger paddock and there is a lot more grass and it's really lush and fresh. He's only been out for about five hours today as I went out on a ride on him. And when I went to bring him in he was fine to be caught as usual he was a bit forwards on the way to the stable. But when I got to his stable and went to open the door he started trotting away and I tried to stop him but he started cantering away so I had no option but to let go otherwise he would have stood on me. I thought he was heading back to the field which would have meant he would have turned left but instead he carried on straight and went in the indoor school and started cantering and turning sharply and when I approached him he stopped and let me catch him. So I walked him back and he tried it again but I was ready for him and he didn't get far. Normally he's the perfect gentleman. Any ideas? He's my first pony so I don't have that much experience but I have been riding for 12 years prior to getting him. Sorry about the long message.