Horse aggressive towards other horses


Well-Known Member
13 November 2006
South Wales!!
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Well my new mare maize is lovely, but she has got a thing about other horses.
She loves people, and has never tried to kick, bite me etc. BUT SHE IS SOO HORRID TO OTHER HORSES!!!

When you lead a horse past her when she is in the stable she will lunge out the door trying to bite the horse

If a horse gets close to her when you lead her then she will try and bite them or may try and kick them
She just does not like other horses!!!!

I have got a minor propblem though i am moving her to a new year soon as got better facilitys and the stables are in barns with and ilse down the middle of them. I am worried when someone walks there horse past as she will go for it , i dont know what to do????

I am going to put a sign up i think lol.

What you think i can do??


Well-Known Member
21 May 2006
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mmmmm, better that she's agressive with other horses than people!

We have a few like that and the owners walk between the two horses when leading them past - only to be done if you know that the horse won't lunge at the other horse and not see the human being in between!

the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
in a happy place
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When you get to the new barn, see if you can get an end stall, to reduce the passing traffic. it is just her being assertive and a mare. i have one the same who only winds her neck in if she finds herself close to something MUCH bigger that looks capable of biting back!


Well-Known Member
18 October 2006
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id try getting her friendly with other horses in the field or she not bothered in the field but i suppose their is not much you can do if she does not like other horses. Id def put a sign up and try a weaving bar first this may stop her to an extent?? maybe not but puttinga full bar up is an extreme im sure you will wish not to take. Does she interact with any horses? or id try getting other horses to walk past and shout at her when she lunges she may stop doing it that way.



Well-Known Member
17 September 2003
Fylde Coast, Lancs
Mine is exactly the same, worse since I took her off the hormonal mare. (So put her back on it!)

Just make sure you do not leave her tied up unattended, when its busy down our passage, I just muck out around her in the stable, its easier! Never leave her tied up unattended just in case an unsuspecting horse was passing!


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
Hi there! Have got the same problem with my Chestnut Mare that I've got on loan. She to was in an inside stable, towards the end of the block and she was horrid. Couldn't tie her up outside as she used to lunge at the horses in the stables next door - even bit one of them on the head and we ended up with a nice vet bill for stitches and sedation! We have since moved her to an outside stable and she is much better! She still pulls faces at some horses that get led past her stable, but as they are far enough away - she can't get to them!

What is she like in the field with other horses? Ours has settled down now, she goes out with my gelding, who stays out of her way - he's v submissive and she quite obviously is the boss of the field!

One of the other horses up our yard is a nice gelding and in the middle of the indoor block, and he has taken to lunging and biting owners and horses as they go past! The owner has bought him a kind of material gate (mark todd I think), that you can hang across the top of his stable door, so that he can't lunge. But the last person to leave the yard takes its down before they leave, then he can still see out over night, but can't do anyone any damage!

hope this helps!


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Ooo you've more or less described Amy to a tee. She is just like this. Unfortunately she is now stabled in a barn with grill partitions - like you are moving to - and this has made her considerably worse. I will be glad when she can move to the foaling box. I have to close the anit weave grill to prevent major erruptions overnight between her and her neighbour - it doesn't stop the arguing between the stabe bars generally though.

Amy does not go for other horses when being led etc. but if she takes a dislike to a field mate - beware.

I always take a very firm hand with her when the situation is needed - however she has never got any better. I've not been down the hormonal suppliment route though. However, she is permanently on regumate throughout her pregnancy - and it hasn't made any difference to her temperament.


8 March 2006
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my mare is the same, there is not much you can do about it really.

There is only a grill between her and my gelding next door and he thinks it really funny to come stand and look at her, she lunges at him but cant get him, he doesnt even flinch now when she throws herself at his wall.

Thats mares im affaird, just make sure people are aware and asking them NOT to hit her if she does it. Some people think they can train it out of them, but i dont think you can and hitting her will just make her worse


Well-Known Member
13 November 2006
South Wales!!
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Dogbetty141 : yeah she goes out with two other horses eveyday. she is not the boss in the field anymore which she was when she came. yeah i will try that poss thanks

L154: i was thinking of getting her some stroppy mare supplement as that may help haha. I wont be able to tie her up outside the stable have to do it all inside the stable.

Martha: its annoying isnt it haha, i will see if she settels a bit better there possibly . she is wonderful to people and she will not to anything to you she wil come and say a nice hello if anything, its just when a horse goes past. lol

luckily the stables she is going to have not got grill partitions thay are wood. its jsut the front which is grill which is normal lol
yeah i will write a sign i think haha

thanks guys though you have all been a great help . she has been like it since she was little its just her, she is a gem otherwise haha


Well-Known Member
12 June 2006
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My mare was the same when stabled in the middle of a barn.
When a space came up at the beginning she was moved and was much better. Despite the traffic being the same she could see the horses coming and see outside what was going on outside. She still pulled faces but didn't lunge and bite anymore.