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I have a mare who is normally a dream to catch and stands at the gate waiting. She went through a period of rearing up and running off a few months ago however this has not happened for around 2 months. A few days when going to get her in, she did a loon around the field several times and wouldn’t let me near her and was trying to buck at me. Not coming into my space however turning her bum and bucking in my direction. She is very placid again once removed from the field however this is obviously a safety concern. I believe the reason is that there are unknown horses walking down the lane by her field and they can all see/hear them which sets off all the horses in the adjacent fields (this happene around a week ago as well when the other horse was walking) .Also,the other horse in her field is slightly mad and is always doing a loon around the field and my mare is the dominant mare, the other horse is always waiting at the gate where mine wants to be to come out as well so mine will often charge her. She is normally very easy to do in all ways so wondering what has gotten into her and what I can do to help aid/stop the situation